September 24, 2015
fashion•fashion week•inspiration•LFW SS16•streetstyle•styling
London Fashion Week Street Style: Day 4
And the rain came tumbling down… Day 4 of fashion week was soggy, to say the least. The street style was still on fire though, it was just tough to get decent shots without risking cameras, since rain does that terrible terrible thing called water damage. Ain’t nobody got time for waterproof cases. (In saying that, I should probably invest)
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5
Do check out my instagram for more photos!
LFW looks so amazing! I've been seeing photos everywhere on the fashion accounts I follow, and I'm amazed at how stylish literally everyone is. I love that bright bag in the first photo!One thing though – for some reason your photos are loading super blurry! It might just be my connection though. Angelina Is | Bloglovin'
Ahh thank you for telling me! Looks like blogger decided to ax the quality, so I'll get that sorted asap! x