Autumn has been a bit of a weird season this year. It’s one of the nicest seasons to visit South Korea in, if you’re ever wanting to book a trip, since the humidity of the summer has died a thankful death, and the bitter, dry cold of winter hasn’t set in quite yet. The days and nights are definitely tinged with that frostiness that hints winter is coming; we’re slipping from sweater weather to coat season.
But I wouldn’t let winter happen this year until I’d taken full advantage of the trees.
[photos by Hannah // hannahinternational.co.uk]
I love being in a country where you get the full four seasons. Where each season is distinct and different, and you don’t always need an umbrella every three seconds, 364 days of the year. I love living in England due to convenience – the weather never gets hot enough really to warrant day to day air conditioning in summer, and you don’t feel like you’re sweating through your skin, and neither does it get cold enough to freeze the condensation of your breath to your scarf in winter – but the seasons do that Very British thing where they arrive and don’t really announce themselves until someone realises. They creep up on you with a blend of wetness and varying shades of green or brown depending on the time of year.
Korea, on the other hand, drags out the absolute death that is a hot and humid summer, and throws a month and a half to two months of beautiful weather either side, then dives into a cold, cold winter. Beautiful weather that also comes with some pretty lush scenery. In springtime, you have rows and rows of cherry blossom trees, and in autumn they turn to the most beautiful sky-fires of oranges, reds, and yellows. The last time I was in Korea I didn’t have a camera (or a blog) for the autumn season, and I wasn’t really too fussed about trying to take photos somewhere with them, but this time. This time, I was not going to miss it.
So, I ventured out to Seokchon Lake (석촌호수) with Hannah, primarily to shoot for her in a beautiful swing dress, but also to get some shots for me. Yay.
Autumn has never really been my favourite season. The colours are beautiful, but I always end up ridiculously cold. I am chronically bad at being able to layer effectively, something in my head just doesn’t compute. I tend to live in oversized sweaters and a few great jumpers. I’ve always attributed it to me being a summer baby, and not understanding how winter really works in the way of clothes, but the reality is I’m just shit at knowing how to layer my clothes.
Also, my winter wardrobe is horribly confused.
Which makes it even harder to layer.
It’s all very circular. I never take the time to sort through what I have and what is suitable for autumn/winter, and that’s been OK when I’m in England because winter never really gets that cold, and I can usually get away with throwing a massive coat over whatever it is I put on that day. But, since the big wardrobe clearout, and then subsequent move to South Korea, I’ve seriously downsized the amount I have in the way of warm clothes. I have coats, and some sweaters I couldn’t bear to say bye to, but I’ve been building as the seasons pass here. Which is fine, but I also really need to learn how to layer the stuff I have too rather that just stockpiling new clothing.
A few things that I have invested in recently are jeans. I’ve stoically avoided wearing jeans for almost the entirety of me being back in the ROK so far. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve worn jeans, and it’s all been in cold weather. I only brought one pair with me, my favourite (replacement) pair from New Look: high waisted, skinny, not too long on the leg even though I’m pixie sized. Not gonna lie, they’ve been pretty lonely since. I just haven’t found any denim I’ve liked enough to give the pair a friend.
Until I wandered into an H&M and saw these black boyfriend fit ripped jeans. I tried them on and kinda instantly fell in love. I’ve been hunting for a really nice pair of more relaxed fit jeans, somewhere in the mid- to high-rise waistline (anything that sits on the hips in denim, for me at least, just brings back hideously bad memories), something super casual that works with everything. I love a good skinny pair, but there’s something so effortlessly cool about the loose fitting denim with a white tee aesthetic. I’ve been looking for the perfect pair for so long.
I tried them on and asked on instastories if I should get them – not that I needed the push, but the overwhelming answer was yes obviously, so they came home with me. They fit really nicely on the waist,they’re a tiny bit big, but I think I’m just resigned to that happening whenever I buy jeans. It’s the eternal struggle, right? Jeans that fit your thighs or ass perfectly never fit on the waist.
Honorary mention goes to the black skinny pair I picked up from Forever21 recently too.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that, autumn, winter, I’m ready to try and tackle you this year. I’m gonna learn how to layer what’s in my wardrobe and actually be warm for once. Which might be a struggle but we’ll see how we go.
Also, I’m still on the lookout for the perfect pair of blue denim jeans to join the jean party that my wardrobe is currently having. Any tips? Leave me recommendations of places to check out in the comments please!
sunglasses – forever21 // leather jacket – 210, Edae // error404 not found tee – Edae // jeans – h&m // trainers – newlook
[what I’m wearing
I already covered the jeans, so let’s start with the jacket instead. It’s pleather, and one that I found in a store in Edae (I think it was 210, but if you’re around then the shop is pretty easy to spot as it has all it’s ‘leather’ jackets out at the moment). It was around the beginning of spring that I bought it, and it’s definitely not the warmest thing around by far. It’s oversized and works pretty well with everything, as leather jackets tend to do. I know that I’m going to invest in a proper one at some point, but this works just fine right now.
One of the things I absolutely adore about Korean fashion, or Korean stores in general, is how many oversized or plain huge t-shirts there are for sale. And how many there are in actual thick cottons. Some of them have incredibly questionable English phrases on them, some have interesting images, but every so often you’ll come across either a brilliantly ironic gem (I have one that says ‘save me from heavy social media use’), or one that you don’t mind wearing. This millennial pink top has ‘ERROR404 NOT FOUND’ in a little square on the chest, and the same plastered across the back. It amused me so I picked it up for 10,000W, or around £7.
The shades are another addition to my collection of ‘are these really practical / do they actually block out sunlight’ sunglasses. They’re from Forever21 and are octagonal. They’re also about the same size as half my face. ]
Let me know what you think of this outfit! And if you also suck at layering… or dressing properly for the colder weather. What do you use to help? Share your secrets or tips with me pleaseeeee!
The seasons there sound (and look) so much more beautiful than the ones back here. And that faux leather jacket, hoooooooooo my god I love how oversized it is. It suits you so much, I'm a little in love tbh. Meg – Elmpetra