That’s it! Bye first semester of final year, hopefully see you never. Well, apart from results in a little while but for now I get a whole 12 days of actual decent sleep and food and fitness and I can breathe again. Obviously there is the dissi, but there isn’t any tiny voice in my head going ‘why are you taking so long making food you should be studying…’ or guilt guilt guilt over not doing work.
Sometimes I really am my own worst enemy.
But today I decided to reward myself, because my exam went well. *Crosses fingers, touches wood* I feel I did the best I could with the questions, and the last 17 weeks of notes and work and committing things to memory feels like it’s paid off? Marks will be the true testimony of that, but for now I can take a step back and put uni to one side for a second and starting sorting out what I wanted to do in the first week of January, in the last. Yay. I also finally, finally got my hands on one of the mindfulness colouring books that everyone and their pups have by now, but it’s been the motivator for revision and exams and doing well. As in, I wasn’t allowed one until today, and I was only allowed to get it if the exam went well. Harsh, but I procrastinate too much for niceties, really. Got these cute little paperchase postcards too, because adorable and I liked them.
Super super happy that they had the one I really wanted in stock too. £9.99 in WHSmith (I got a cheeky 10% off because the front cover is nicked and it affects one of the pages, but I like things like this to be pristine and it was the only one left. It’s The Time Chamber book by Daria Song, the story of a tiny fairy who lives inside a cuckoo clock and it is so honestly me that when I saw it with mum over Christmas she pretty much said that it was everything toddler-colouring-in Fii would’ve wanted, so it’s nice to know I’m still sticking to my roots.
Fun fact: I actually collect porcelain/ceramic/etc fairies. And dragons, but mostly fairies.
Other things that are happening now? Well, I get to start properly planning The Ball. I’ve mentioned this a few times last year, but the cliff notes is: my committee position this year means that I get to pretty much chair The Ball Committee and I’m both equal parts excited and terrified. Excited because ohmigoSH BALL. Terrified because fkin hell ball. I get to share the workload so it’s not all bad, but I think I’m going to do some planning update posts, so if any of you are uni-ball planning, or just party planning, it might help. Budget meeting is Thursday, so oo things are rolling. Theme is picked and sorted, decorations are being sourced. AHH.
Anywho, this is turning into a long-assed Tuesday post that was probably what Sunday’s should have been… Oh well, Sunday’s actual post was pretty fun. I just feel so massively, massively relieved now. Self-pressure is something I’m desperately trying to work on, but it’s a process.
Thank you also to all of you who wished me luck on social media this morning! I’m pretty sure that it helped a lot, and it means so much, so massive hugs. Thank you.
Well done, Fii, really! Final year is indeed the toughest spurt of them all but I know you got this down girl 🙂 I felt constantly guilty in my last year too – getting to wrapped up on whether I was studying/making notes enough in my spare time and I'd feel so bad for even going out on a walk. But when I did my Master's, especially on my dissertation which is 60% of my entire degree, I decided I need this to change and I realised these small breaks in between i.e. to make food, shower, go for a walk, run errands were actually productive for me and my writing! Keep the momentum going but don't over-exert yourself <3 AND THE BALL SOUNDS AMAZE. Damn I miss uni sometimes…. Cherie x say hi at sinonym
Ahh thank you so much! I'll remember that when I'm knee deep in words and paper and more post-its, getting out is a GOOD idea.The ball WILL BE FAB. xo
I feel bad for not wishing you good luck 🙁 although I'm sure you did great! I bet you feel like the world has been lifted off your shoulders! Now think of all the colouring you can do:) xxxJasmine || http://www.blogsallbeautyy.blogspot.co.uk
Nooo don't feel bad! It was a pretty early exam! And yes the relief is unbelievable. I can actually SLEEP AGAINxo
I'm so glad it went well for you, Fii! Make the most of it and pamper yourself a bit 🙂 I handed in my assignments today, actually, and I'm pretty sure I've failed every single one. Feeling so so low and kind of at a loss, sigh xMartha Jane | http://www.marthajanemusic.com
I'm sure you absolutely haven't failed them darlin'. Though with essay hand in's I always feel that they definitely could be so much better 🙁 Hugs to you xo
Well done m'dear! And oh my gosh, that's such a pretty colouring book.Meg | A Little Twist Of…
:3Isn't it! Only issue is, now I want all the one's she drawn….xo
Good luck with the rest of the year!xx Alyssavisionsofnyc.blogspot.com
Best of luck with your results, and the rest of your year! Planning the ball sounds equal parts exciting and scary but I'm sure it'll be great! This colouring book looks amazing. When I've finished the two cats ones, the Harry Potter one and the Ultimate one I managed to accumulate over Christmas I might have to pick up this one to try! x http://www.aimeeraindropwrites.co.uk x
Good to Know that your exams went well. Best of luck for your result!!! your post are really interesting to read. I glad that stumbled upon your blog and found some interesting stuff to read.Best wishes Maggie
I'm in final year too and we have only a few months to go! It's exciting and scary all at the same time, so I feel you. MinaaliThe Snap Narrative