I’m passing through a pretty big milestone right now – as are the rest of class of 2k16. Finishing exams, coursework, assignments, projects, any assessed piece of work that dictates the numbers on that worryingly expensive bit of paper. And, as I’m wont to do, I thought I’d document my transition from undergrad to… (un)employed, because I don’t trust statistics and am all for sharing struggles in life. Plus it’s always ace to know that someone is going through the exact same, slightly demoralising struggle of finding someone to give you long term employment in a job that you actually enjoy.
Especially if you have no real idea what it is you want to actually be doing, in the long term, in all honesty.
I’m open to a lot though, and really eager to learn, prospective employers who may have found this by either googling my name or me telling you I blog.
Not being sure isn’t necessarily a bad thing though. When you’ve been in education for the best part of your life, you don’t come into contact with all the different types of professions the working world has to offer. Sure, I know about positions in education – having spent a lot of the last 22 years of my life in education I understand the structure quite well – and then the careers my parents chose, and what my elder sister does (though I’m still not entirely understanding of everything she does). I know a little bit about what some friends do, but generally my knowledge of employment covers part-time shop assistants, very specialised fields of interest, and a couple of things I’ve googled after seeing them on TV. There are areas that I think I’d find interesting, but uh… I don’t know a lot about them because I haven’t come into contact with them.
And I think quite a few of us just-nearly-almost-graduates feel the same way.
There’s a massive world out there and we’re taking our first few steps into it, really.
Basically we’re Bambi on ice.
Adorable, but please don’t shoot us.
There’s also a lot to contend with, too. Everyone else is competing for positions, obviously, so it’s another round of being super mega spectacular a la UCAS, but so much more important it’s hideously daunting. Add to that the amount of experience even grad jobs are asking for now and it’s a cocktail for sleepless nights and more stress, because how do you get experience AND good grades and all your extra-curriculars in with room to eat and sleep and socialise? Pressure cooker situation when you add onto THAT the fact Uni is going to be asking us in 6 months time where we are and how we’re doing. All those metaphors about being thrown from a fairly ok place to a lot less ok, far more scary place are now starting to make endless amounts of sense.
I’m going to damn well apply for everything I think I’d be pretty darn fab at, though.
So. I’ll probably be checking into this series occasionally. Not in the sense of hey I applied for X job in Y place, because 1) no please don’t apply for the jobs I’m applying for, I need it!! and 2) that gets dull when you’re sending out CVs in the hopes of someone somewhere going ‘hey you know what, we really like what you have to bring to the table (which is a lot), come and work for us’. If you’ve ever looked for a job you know what I’m talking about.
I like giving people a solid idea of what to expect from things, and this is one of those things that I haven’t really had much direction about, and if you’re as unsure about where you see yourself in 10 years as I am, then if this helps even a little then I’ve done my job.
If you have any tips for me pleaseeeeeeeee leave a comment! If you’d like me to work for you then you can always drop me an email. Worth a shot, ey.
Hey girl, I was in your position around 1.5 years ago (and I've been in an awesome full time job for about a year). It sucks at first not knowing what to do/how to do it, but it gets better. Your first job may not be your dream job, and it will be completely different from uni, but you will learn and grow both personally and professionally. Good luck x
It's unbelievably scary, isn't it?! Luckily I secured a job right in the middle of my exams so I do know where I'm heading in September, but for months the thought of not having anything planned kept me up all night. Good luck! xNINEGRANDSTUDENT: A Lifestyle Blog
It's so scary, but the right job does come along! Sometimes it's the most unexpected thing, too. I never expected to come out of uni and work in insurance. I'm so not a math person. But I did and I enjoyed it (the job, not the company, sadly.) I'm in a completely different area now (marketing and a little bit of social selling) and I love this too. Who knows what I'll do after this job ends? But I'm enjoying trying different careers and mayne figuring out what I want to do long-term (I did say maybe!) x http://www.aimeeraindropwrites.co.uk x
This made me laugh. I was prepared for the "real world" simply because I took some time off from school and saw it. I was working in the real-world before I ever earned my degree. It's a pain, honestly. It is also exhausting. S .x http://ramblingsofayoungprgirl.blogspot.com