I’m feeling a lil’ bit creatively drained right now (over 5k words of essays will do that to you, I think), so anything from the mush that is currently my brain would probably 1) not make sense or 2) not be very engaging. And since neither of those options are particularly appealing to me, I can’t imagine that they would be to you, either.
So. Considering you’ve probably read the title, this is what we get today. I love a good listicle (list article, fancy portmanteau there, it’s fun to say!), so much so that I’ve done a couple of my own, but they’re nothing compared to these.
Seriously, I’ll read these and still be howling with laughter into next week. Witty, snappy, bang bang bang. They’re everything you look for in internet comic relief. Honestly, they make me want to do that thing on twitter where you fave tweets in the hopes that they’ll notice you, and soon be your bff*.
*I don’t think this actually works.
10 Things I hate about Instagram – because Instagram is this weird anomaly of a platform that is endlessly frustrating. I don’t need to see your #fitspo ready body when I’ve been systematically eating my way through the baked goods section of Tesco, thanks.
Musings: Things that don’t make you a slut – not technically a list (oop) but in all honesty I wish my 2am rants were as eloquent as this. vix outlines a few things that don’t make you a slut, because that’s still a word that brandished around far too much. c’mon guys, it’s 2016.
17 Things every girl needs to remember at all times – because I am a girl. a very forgetful girl and the chatty lists make me feel like ‘oh ok’, will do mum.
10 Instagram Commandments – thou shalt remember to follow these when thou is feeling shit about thine Instagram.
What it’s really like to live with a blogger – sounds ideal, tbqh.
23 Important life lessons we learnt as teenagers – the nostalgia is very real. some of these I never did, but I can tell you that I might have pulled a muscle cry-laughing at the ones I did.
15 Things you should know about bloggers – not the cosmo list. a rebuttal to that cosmo list. very nicely put. HA COSMO. HA.
7 personalities all women secretly have inside of them – i am the toddler. not even ashamed. also the mother. still not ashamed. maybe a lil’ bit of number 6 right now DON’T JUDGE ME THERE ARE EXAMS.
19 hilarious disney posts that totally nailed it – well it wouldn’t be a list post roundup without including the overlord that is buzzfeed now would it? also yes, RAPUNZELS HAIR WAS CUT TOO SHORT.
25 things all girls secretly do – again, i is girl, i do quite a few of these things oh dear.
So. I hope your Sunday is filled a lil’ bit more with cackles and chortles and ooh relatable list posts ooo.
If you have any listicles you absolutely creased at, send them my way! Revision is dull and slow.
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The Lust List
…and breathe
I've already read a couple of these and love them, so I guess it's time to get cracking on the rest! Good luck on your exam, lovely. <3Minaali The Snap Narrative
Oh god don't get me started on instagram! It's so fickle and full of spam, my block list is miles longer than my actual following. Caz | Style Lingua
There's a block list?!
Hahahaaa I have already head a few of these.. and the ones I haven't I had a good stalk of right now. I also LOVE your title.. that alone had me in stitches HAHAHAHA … I think I am just a little hyper right now. FAB POST GIRL!!!Sairawww.throughtheglitterglass.wordpress.comxo
I really loved reading this post, something I have never come across a post like this. Cant wait to read all the lists.www.thisisallure.co.uk
I adore these-they are all so freakin relatable-and who doesnt love a list??katie-louu.blogspot.co.uk x
Hehe these are awesome! Had a good chuckle. I do love a good list, esp when it's poking a little bit of fun at us bloggers! Jasmin Charlotte
The 10 things I hate about Instagram is absolutely cracking me up!What a great list of…lists!Meg | A Little Twist Of…
This is a great, funny list in itself, I now have many tabs open ready to read!
Great list – I love Hannah's blog and her lists are amazing!www.ohsobecky.com
I Could already tell that half of these were written by Hannah gale and I didn't even click on them! Read them so many times before haha great post idea x http://thriftyvintagefashion.blogspot.co.uk/
great lists! I've never seen Hannah Gale's blog before but oh my gosh she's funny! Just putting it out there-have you seen my "to be a perfect blogger list?"www.littlekaatie.com
I do love a good listicle! Vix's one about things that don't make you a slut is great xxKimberley // thecolourchronicles.com