I don’t think it’s physically possible for me to fit all I want to say about studying abroad in one post, and considering the fact I still have two levels and another 6 and a half (maybe more?) months to go, it would be a bit silly to try. In any case, I can attempt to write a little bit about what it’s like to actually study in a city that has a problem with the concept of sleep…
It’s no secret that South Korea has one of the most intense work ethics of any country… ever. You stay at work until your boss finishes, you stay at school until all your extra-curriculars have finished and then go to cram school. Here, it’s perfectly acceptable to meet your friends at gone-midnight for a coffee because you couldn’t when the sun was up. It makes my head spin sometimes, but then again, I come from a country that has a problem with breeding a culture that acts as though it’s deathly allergic to any form of study, and mocks those that want to.
(Yes, I’m well aware that is quite a large generalisation, but if you’ve set foot in a state school recently -that’s a school that you don’t have to pay for in England- then a vast majority of the students simply could not care less about their education.)
So what is it like to study at Yonsei’s KLI?
Well. For one thing, anyone who tells you that Yonsei is for ‘lazy people’ is, quite frankly, talking out of their arse. ^^”. I have 20 hours of mandatory class a week. As in, attendance counts towards my overall grade. If you miss 40 or more hours over the course of a level you fail automatically. It isn’t even really comparable to Sheffields’ weekly 5 hours of Korean teaching. At Yonsei, I start at 9am and finish at 1pm, rinse and repeat Monday through Friday. Weh.
Content wise, in class we cover 2-3 grammar points a day, depending on the teacher. That’s 10~15 grammar points a week.Taught entirely in Korean – with daily homework. In Sheffield, it was roughly an average of 3 or 4 a week, taught in english (with good reason but still). If you can see a pattern emerging here you’d be correct. Yonsei is far, far, far, far more intensive than anywhere I’ve studied before, and I love that. It’s the first time I’ve ever felt truly challenged by what I’m learning.
I don’t really know what else to add right now, I’ll probably think of some things after I’ve posted this, as is always the way… oh well!
If you were (or will be!) given the chance to study abroad, where would you like to study?
Hi, I also want to study at Yonsei next year, and I am questioning about the application.
Do You had to sit a test (e.g. in maths) to get accepted into Yonsei?
I mean, korean students have to pass long and hard exams to get accepted at a University. Is it the same for international students?
I would be really really grateful if You could help me with my question.
Kind regards
Hi, I also want to study at Yonsei next year, and I am questioning about the application.
Do You had to sit a test (e.g. in maths) to get accepted into Yonsei?
I mean, korean students have to pass long and hard exams to get accepted at a University. Is it the same for international students?
I would be really really grateful if You could help me with my question.
Kind regards
To study at Yonsei Uni as a general student, you do have to submit your transcripts – or at least your predicted grades – to be accepted onto an undergrad course. Some of the courses require proficiency in Korean, some are taught in English, it depends on what major you are considering pursuing. International (or prospective international) students don’t have to sit the 수능 (or csat) as that usually happens in November, but sitting the exams common in your own country at the end of your schooling would be required. If that’s a general sat like in America, subject specific like in the UK, or doing something like the International Baccalaureate, or O-levels, it doesn’t really matter as long as your grades are good and able to allow you admission into your chosen major. Yonsei is one of the top universities in South Korea, so they’re going to be looking for really high caliber candidates so I’d recommend doing as well as you can in your exams. 🙂
If you are looking to be accepted into the language program, then as far as I know, you only have to sit the initial placement test, no maths or any other subjects are required.
I hope that his helps you! And that you can study a Yonsei.