How was everyone’s Christmas? I hope you were all thoroughly spoiled, and did a fair bit of spoiling your loved ones yourself. I certainly tried this year, saving and scrimping where I could paid off, judging from the faces of my family. It’s also really nice to just sit around playing board games with everyone (not monopoly, never monopoly, no one wins at monopoly), since I missed out last year, what with being the other side of the world and all.
I think as I grow older, most of what I wish for in my life is not able to be bought – which goes for a lot of people – so I definitely get more of a kick out of giving gifts and letters and smiles than receiving. I’ve also been a bit cheeky and none too share-y with my present purchasing this year, just to keep the surprise
very british problems | letters of note | new look jewellery | princess mirror compact| long clothing |
I took full advantage of my free uni-provided amazon prime subscription to pick up the two books – you can never really go wrong with a book as a gift – and the pre-christmas/post-black-friday sales on in stores, New Look especially. I also managed to snaffle some sliiightly less expensive Long Clothing accessories from G-market that are currently sitting waiting to be shipped on to their final destination.
I ended up getting mum some lush bath melts that went down a treat, along with some gift vouchers she can put towards pretty much anything she wants. My dad shot down all ideas for his gifts, so my sisters and I decided to put our heads together and get some tableware – all the mugs – and make some truffles.
So I think I did quite well this year, on the whole. A super pleased family is a happy, game playing family (apart from monopoly), although I think we’ve all had a bit too much Prosecco to be taking anything seriously anymore. Not even the 5 hour Downton Abbey Christmas special.
Oh wait – snow!
Oooo those truffles look delicious, do you have a recipe?nimblenote.blogspot.com
I do indeed! Had to do a bit of searching (my little sister tested quite a few apparently, and the one she settled on was this :)Fii x
Those truffles are so cute! Also that necklace the furthest on the left is so pretty! Merry Christmas!
Awh thank you! And it's such a delicate little thing – New Look really came through for me – it was only £2.50!! Merry Christmas to you too!:)
such a lovely collection of pressies 🙂