I think this christmas was probably the most exciting for me, or at least the most anticipated, since I was under 10. I’ve been utterly and completely spoiled by my family, and I’m so incredibly grateful, since along with the usual Primark socks and pyjamas, I got one of the things I have longed for since I started taking photography more seriously. The canon EOS 700d plus the standard efs 18-55mm lens. I honestly couldn’t be happier.
I was also lucky enough to get another thing on my wishlist from my aunt and uncle: Long Clothing’s infinity print leggings. I’m slowly building up my collection ready for fashion week. They’re also incredibly comfy, I’d really recommend them.
All in all, my family and I have had a really special Christmas to add to a pretty hectic year.
What did you get for Christmas? Anything super special?
Oooo so lucky with the camera!x
Definitely made my year! Even for an entry-level the quality is great Fii x
Looks like you got some lovely bits, and that camera looks beautiful! Thanks for sharing your link in tonights twitter chat! Heather, porcelainbeautyxxx
It's a stunner for an entry level dSLR! And thank you for sharing yours too! 🙂 x