Do you like chocolate, bananas and a sugar free diet? GOOD NEWS. I do too, and so went on a search for recipes for chocolate banana-y type things with no (or very minimal) sugar to snack on while playing my Eurovision Drinking Game.
Great mix all round, really.
So if you’re a love of this type of thing, and want to try this ridiculously easy recipe yourself so you too, can feast on chocolatey goodness, then keep reading 😀
The original recipe was one I found on pinterest, courtesy of chocolatecoveredkatie.com, for her healthy/sugar free chocolate fudge. It sounded like it was exactly what I was looking for, but I had to doctor the recipe just a tad because I was lacking coconut butter.
I’m definitely going to make this again in the future since it is so, so easy, and tastes amazing. The fudge is a little bit on the messy side though, so I really wouldn’t recommend wearing white anywhere near this.
– 120g butter
– 1 large overripe banana
– 40g cocoa powder
– 2 tbsp powdered (icing) sugar
– 1-2 tsp vanilla essence
– 1/2-1 tbsp of flour if you feel that your mix is too runny
– 1/2 tsp cinnamon
melt your butter
mash the banana to a puree
in a large bowl, put the dry ingredients together
add the butter, banana and vanilla
alternatively, you can bang the whole lot in a food processor/blender but make sure that you’re working with melted butter!
smooth your fudge into a container and whack it in the freezer ’till it’s set.
And there you have it. Super duper easy fudge that is considerably healthier than a lot of what you’d buy in shops! I don’t have a food processor in my flat so I had small chunks of frozen banana dotted throughout, but I thought that was quite a nice effect, really. The whole thing is sickeningly easy, it only took me around 15 minutes from the start of preparation to banging it in the freezer. It also went down a treat.
I hope everyone’s had a pretty swish weekend, and that perhaps you may give this a try tomorrow? It is a bank holiday after all and indulgence is allowed 😉 What’s your favourite no-bake snack or dessert? I personally love a cheesecake.
Oh this looks so good, and I'm always up for refined-sugar-free fudge! Thanks for making me hungry again after eating tons of candy this weekend…Eurovision you know…I think.
It's so easy to make that I really wouldn't blame you ;)xo
I have a confession- I really don't like fudge but this actually sounds beautiful I am a banana addict and obviously I can't say no to chocolate so I will give this a go with trepidation 😉 xxx
:OOOO Lol it doesn't taste all that fudge-y in my opinion – the banana and cinnamon give it a nice spicy kick which I really like :3 TELL ME HOW IT GOESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS xo
Thanks for sharing this! Saved the recipe for later <3zaras-bowsandpearls.blogspot.co.uk
Awh no problem! let me know how it turns out :333xo
I actually do like the sound of this :D. Me and my family eat waaay too much chocolate, maybe this is a good alternative haha?!xx Izzy | Qthee
I'm trying to find sugarless recipes for my family when I'm back for summer, we eat waaaaaaaaaaay too much refined sugar so this is a good alternative! xo
This has me drooling all over the place!http://theavantguardian.com
:DDDD xo
That looks so yummy, I never thought of trying cinnamon with chocolate ^_^{ sparklesideup.com }
it's a combination that I really like – works for a loooot of things ;D Especially hot chocolate in the winter! 🙂
I love your style!Alice Cerea, BABYWHATSUP.COM Join this new blogger network, I'm waiting for you!
Thank you!xo
This sounds so nice! May have to try this out over the weekend 🙂 xxwww.ohhellomango.co.uk
It's definitely one of those sweet things you can have without the guilt! Let me know how it goeeeeeeeeees :Dxo