August 6, 2016
beauty•kbeauty•review•skincare•veda: august 2016
Review: Neulii Aloe BHA Soothing Serum
When breakouts strike, everyone and their grandmothers’ dog have tips and tricks and sworn-by remedies to combat the little blighters and restore your skin to it’s former glowy glory. I’ve got a few of my own too, but they’re usually less ‘qick-fix get rid overnight as much as possible’ and more ‘give us a weekend of no engagements and we’ll be good by Monday’.
But sometimes a weekend of no engagements and being good by Monday isn’t fast enough. Who wants nasty little tenants on your problem prone areas that you have to navigate around because you don’t want to contaminate your brushes/beauty blender? No one. And although I don’t have an absolute miracle treatment that is as effective as magic, I do have something that slays the pesky bacteria in a ‘die die die’ slay rather than ‘#slay’.
Neulii Aloe BHA Soothing Serum, you’re up.
Neulii is the in-house skincare brand of one of my favourite Korean beauty sellers, RoseroseShop. They launched pretty recently, but are a brand that I’m starting to really appreciate having in my arsenal of skincare, especially since my skin is going through a weird readjustment phase as I sort out my childhood bedroom now I’m back at home.
I had few annoying breakouts along my jaw (hormonal) and on my cheek (allergies/diet… damn that one slice of pizza I couldn’t scrape all the cheese off) that I wanted gone ASAP, so I decided to give Neulii’s Aloe BHA Soothing Serum a go after cleansing and toning my face. Aloe is great for reducing irritation, thus removing the redness, and BHA (Betahydroxy Acid) is an oil soluble acid great for battling acne. Fab.
Considering the formula is also a serum, that means that it’s pretty concentrated and should hopefully be fast acting.
I distributed the serum across my face, focusing more on the parts where the spots were, and left it to soak in overnight.
When I woke up, the size and redness of each blemish had been reduced drastically. They weren’t entirely gone, but were well on the way to being healed rather than the slightly painful stage they were at the previous day. I’m not usually one for posting closeups of my blemishes for all to see, but I was genuinely quite surprised at the improvement. They were so much less angry and painful, far easier to cover and way less noticeable than the previous day.
If you’re looking for a fast acting spot treatment then I’d really recommend this. Especially if you’ve had no luck with creams and other topical treatments outside of prescription medication. Though do remember that each persons’ skin is different, and if you have a particularly vicious breakout then it might take one or two consecutive days of application to get rid of it.
shop neulii aloe bha soothing serum
Let me know if you’ve tried this serum before, or if you have any BHA containing alternatives!
hahah everyone does really have their own way to combat spots! I really enjoy reading your skincare reviews, regardless if i end up buying the products or not 🙂 I'd say you're one of the few people that really influence my skincare decisions hahah!xx CarinaBlog-Running White Horses || YouTube
Awh thank you darlin' that really means a lot <3