This week has been the week of MUCH REVISION. SUCH DISSERTATION. And also seeing Star Wars for the second time. I really do love that film.
I’ve been back at the uni flat for near enough a week again now, so the routine is pretty much, revise, read, eat, revise, sleep, revise, eat, etc etc. With a couple of breaks for mentally winding down and yoga. I also managed to sneak in a few cheeky sale pieces before I set myself on the mother of all spending bans. And finally got my mane cut today, after faffing about for weeks over it because, like dentists, I’m not too fond of hairdressers.
Ok hairdressers are way better than dentists I just get scared and embarrassed because reasons.
The sale purchase:
These New Look trainers (adidas x stan smith dupes). £6. Six pounds for these and I’ve been wanting a pair for frickin’ yonks. Much more purse friendly than the Stan Smiths’ that start at £62, and they’re really quite comfy. Probably not going to stay pristine white for long but I love them so it’s fine.
The not-sale purchase but cheap as chips anyway:
New phone case alert. I’m a sucker for silicone cases, especially ones that are cute and slightly odd. I’ve had rilakkuma in all the colours, the starbucks cup, and now the pink ice cream. This one isn’t as thick/padded as the others, but I’ll see how I get on.
New Hurrrr.
I am chronically terrible at getting my hair cut. Sorry, hairdressers of the world – you’re gonna cringe – but the last time I had a chop was exactly a year ago today. Reasons? Well, cost, for one. Having 5 inches lopped off set me back about three weeks worth of food, but it was needed. Second is probably the condition of my scalp because of dry skin/allergies and trich. The damage is embarrassing and a lot of people don’t really know how to deal with it.
Thankfully the stylist that saw me today was lovely – sorted me out with a smile and a laugh and a beautiful new do that will work with my natural curl/wave. I feel about six billion times happier now – my hair’s been the cause of a lot of anguish recently. Cheers Wigs and Warpaint. It’s the first step in a stage (I’m excited), and hopefully I can nourish it a lil’ bit more effectively than I was when it was looooong.
So a definite Fri-YAY to me!
What do you think? Yay or nay to the shoes and phone case? What have been your yay’s this week? 🙂
I'm terrible at getting my hair cut too, but I've got no excuse! Glad your experience was OK this time <3 Looks super cute short btw, I'm tempted to go short too! xMartha Jane | http://www.marthajanemusic.com
I really like those shoes. They look really comfy. The phone case is so cute. I really wanted to get my hair cut but all of my friends said that I need to leave it long. I guess it's good idea because I have prom in June so it's going to be easier to do some kind of hairstyle with long hair. xo Antonia || Sweet Passions
😀 Glad you approve of my spending, aha. Oh noo – I have my end of year ball in May and I'll be rocking some cute hairstyle – there are tons of styles not just for long hair!! Maybe I'll do a post nearer the time, oooooooh xo
Your new hair is gorgeoua! I didn't see it before you had it all done but I love it. The phone case is so cute – people will be loving that in Summer.Lovely post.Emma Louise xxwww.owlsandstags.wordpress.com
I really need to see Star Wars again. Just because. £6 for those trainers? SAY WHAT? SHUT THE FRONT DOOR. That case is hella cute. I wish my phone had cases available for it that weren't butt ugly :(I am LOVING the length of your hair! That's seriously the length and style I want mine to hurry up and grow into!Meg | A Little Twist Of…
your phone case is so cute!WonderGoth
YASSSSSSSSSSS. I NEED A FULL FACE PHOTO NOW, FII. Your hair looks so gorgeous!!! Anyway, good luck with your revision and dissertation! <3May x | THEMAYDEN.COM | bloglovin'
I am totally looking forward to seeing star wars a second time, it was AHmazing! And I adore your new hair it's beautiful, I get nervous about going too though d/w! Love the trainers too xxxBlondeOfCarbs
I have like identical shoes, no kidding. Got mine from primark, still can't believe how cheap they are! Beataba.blogspot.com ❃
I am trying to grow my hair out – You don't even want to know the last time I got it cut. Trich made me pull a lot of my hair out in third year D: E xelleanorwears.com
I have NEVER seen a cuter phone case. That popsicle is so stinkin' adorable!! xx adaatude.com
your hair looks nice and i love that phone case!danielle | avec danielle
Oh god, 1 year? I go 2 YEARS sometimes without cutting my hair. The hair dressers must REALLY hate me. Lol. It's SO expensive though right? I have a limited amount of money and tons of places I want to use it at. Sadly, my hair is where I make the sacrifice! Ah! Love the pop phone case BTW, it's super cute.
Those shoes. I've been wanting those shoes for so long and wow, wow, wow – they're perfect!Minaali The Snap Narrative
If they still have 'em in New Look snap them up before they're gone!! I'm sure there'll be another load out for the new season though 😀 Staple shoesies xo