Before this week I was a complete Lush and Soap and Glory virgin. Never bought a product from either of them. Sure I’ve been into the shop and seen the stands but I’ve never parted with my cash. I have had Lush stuff given to me as a present before (years and years ago…) but I’ve never gone and done that for myself. I guess the need for a new hand cream and something to have a little post-exam pamper sesh made me step outside my comfort zone. Ooooh new products. Ooooh.
I guess I could’ve gone with bath bombs to dip my toe into the world of Lush… buuut I’m not a mahoosive fan of baths. On occasion, yeah, but regularly and right now?? Not so much. So I went with one of the face masks, after about an hour of reading what they all do online. My skin is a major fan of honey, and I was intrigued to see what the other ingredients would do for my face, so yup. The consistency is nothing like I’m used to, but I’m sat with it on right now and it’s quite nice.
Brazened Honey face mask: £6.50 for 75g at Lush
I also like having really soft hands. And at the minute, what with packing and moving and stressing and nothing being as clean as I’d really like… I’m trying to restore my hands to what they were a couple of weeks ago. Picked up this little tube in boots for £2.50 and so far I’m enjoying it. I love the smell, and it’s a lot less greasy than having to slather your hands in hydrocortisone… yeah nice image for you there. I wasn’t ready to commit to the large tube, didn’t want to spend a fiver on something I may be allergic to, but at the minute this will do me.
Soap and Glory Mini Hand food: £2.50 at boots
Have you guys tried either of these products before? If you have, what did you think? If not, would you? Also give me more lush mask recommendations because I quite like this one… even if I’m not loving the smell…
Also, I’m moving back home for summer tomorrow so hopefully come sunday I’ll be back to posting on the normal schedule with a lot of really exciting stuff… ooooOOO.
I've never tried the Brazened Honey mask purely because I hate the smell of honey. A lot. I definitely recommend Cupcake (it's a bit drying but damn does it good for redness & breakouts) and I swear wholly by Mask of Magnaminty. Almost want to call it the greatest mask ever…I've never tried Soap & Glory either – none of the products exactly shout at me, y'know? But good to see you enjoying your lil' treats to yourself ;)Chantel || Bonnie Blondiexo
It is quite a … noticable mask in the scent department. Not my fave, definitely going to try out cupcake and the magnaminty one, though I really like what this one has done for my skin right now. People RAVE ABOUT SOAP AND GLORY SO MUCH I had to see. It's nothing wowowowowow but it's a decent handcream??? It hydrates and that's what im after?xo
I love LUSH! Their flagship store in London is amazing, too. I've tried this particular face mask out, sounds lovely though! xHannah x | hannatalks
I KEEP MEANING TO GO TO THE FLAGSHIP WHEN I'M IN LONDON and haven't yet. oopsie. It's got a nice mix of fun things in this one, def left my skin feeling super soft. xo
I'm not big on lush stuff but I loovvveeee soap & glory. The righteous butter is amazing and smells so so good and I'm loving the peaches & cream cleanser plus boots usually have s&g on 3for2 so I'd definately recommend :)Bex xbubblybex3.co.uk
ooOOO yes I missed out on the 3for2 because I am dumb and didn't realise, but I wasn't really looking to spend a lot of money, just a hand cream aha. I don't think I'm a lush convert but I do like the ingredients in their masks…still nothing on korean cosmetics for me, thoughxo
Cute post ^^ I love Lush but I have still not tried soap and glory (shock horror) and the first product that I really want to try from them is hand food <3zaras-bowsandpearls.blogspot.co.uk
Ahh a couple of my friends were SO surprised I hadn't tried Soap and Glory before ahah.I think you'd really like it, it smells gorgeous ;3xo
Lovely Blog. For nice friendly brand. people like to stay here and read morewww.tobelikealady.com
Awh thank you so much xo
I really like the S&G hand food, it smells amazing, like all they're products!The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog
I'm def gonna try out some more :Dxo
I LOVE Lush masks they are something of an addiction, I seem to race through them so I can get my free one haha and I love hand food, I am so lazy with moisturising but this is nice to pop in your handbag I think xx
OOO. Yeah I love the little 'bring pots back and get a free mask' thing. SUCH AN INCENTIVE. I'm gonna definitely try out some more.And the s&g hand cream comes everywhere with me it's such a gemxo
This face mask looks amazing, I haven't tried one in ages I probably should do the next time I go down to Lush! 🙂 http://www.dungarees-and-donuts.co.uk
I've tried the Lush face mask called Mask of Magnaminty and it's amazing, I also have the Hand Food and I really like it as it's not greasy and smells yummy tooDalal x monochromedaisies.blogspot.com
I've used the Cosmetic Warrior Face Mask before when my skin has been pretty bad and I love it! I haven't tried Brazened Honey before, I'll have to try it.http://ruthyb1.blogspot.co.uk/