I need the tee with that tour title on it, to be quite honest, but tour shirts are so flipping expensive. Anyway, this is technically installment #3 of ‘Fii is slightly reckless really close to deadlines/exams but goes to gigs anyway’, but hey. You only live once, and all that jazz. Plus it isn’t every day that I get to see most of the bands I listen to a lot, what with them being from Japan and me not being in Japan.
The last time MUCC (pronounced muku) came to the UK was about 6 or 7 years ago. Which probably tells you a bit about how old the band is. Originally formed in 1997 they started out covering bands like glay, until they began releasing their own music in 1999. Since then, they have 12 studio albums and a whole lot of singles, ep’s, dvds and feature on a number of compilation albums.
Yeah. Needless to say that they’ve mashed a lot of musical genres into their brand of rock. A couple of my favourites include G.G, Mr. Liar (it’s a live version so… warning for strobes and fun lights!) kumo, mad yack… I like a lot of their songs; the vocalist, Tatsurou has a really melodic quality to his voice. And is a total brat on stage. Yukke, the bassist, and Miya, guitarist/backing vox/leader were like flipping energiser bunnies and would not stay still, and Satochi, the drummer goes hard. You can find a lot of their music dotted around on youtube if you search mucc. Take a listen 😀
The gig itself was an energy fest. I’ll have to check when the setlist gets published somewhere, but I only remember two slow-ish songs in the whole program… and considering when mucc go hard they go very hard, being at the barrier was probably a mistake, my muscles are paying for that now. But I am incredibly happy that they played both old and new songs, and managed to slip all my favourites into the night.
Win for meeeeeeeee.
The MC portions were amusing, Tatsurou telling us it’d been 3 years since they’d been here and us, the audience, telling him nope, that wasn’t right. I’m pretty sure the security/safety people at my side of the stage think he’s a few sandwiches short of a full picnic with the way he acted on stage, by the look of some of their facial expressions when Tatsurou was being… thoroughly Tatsurou. And when he decided to tell us he was ‘fucking jetlagged’. I would be too if I’d flown in straight from Russia.
For the size of the crowd (we were nowhere near packing capacity a la SCANDAL) we tried to be as noisy and responsive as if the hall was full, although it was a nice change to be at the barrier and not have my ribs crushed by people jumping on me. There was still shouting and singing and screaming and jumping and fist pumping and head banging but they were conscious choices and that’s always a super +++ for gigs.
It was a pretty ace concert all round, really. I got to see the girls again that I haven’t seen in 3 years, which made everything more awesome. The only downside was the guys starting late and me having to leave before the last song to catch a train (and having someone yell at me as I walked v. quickly back to St. Pancras that I needed God… I’m assuming because of my outfit…), but it was a very minor downside to a ridiculously awesome Monday.
It’s not often that you put ‘ridiculously awesome’ and ‘Monday’ in the same sentence, eh?
Now I’m off to revise… and watch eurovision… I hope you’ve all had an amazing start to the week, and that the rest of it will be pretty damned spiffy for you~
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all photos are taken by me, you can use them as long as you credit 🙂
Aww I'm glad you had such a great time! I'm not gonna lie, I've NO idea who they are haha! But Im intrigued, and will check them out!! ^__^Sending all my love, good luck for revision!Jemma xxwww.dorkface.co.uk
Awwh thank you 😀 And don't feel bad about not knowing who they are~ most of my music taste is like that and yay have fun exploring their sound!xo
That's cool!Alice Cerea, BABYWHATSUP.COM
thank youu~xo
After reading your post, I checked them out. They sound really good. Any songs I should check out by them? :)pumpkinemilysmiles.blogspot.com