The Korean Food Adventures continue – this time home cooked. Which makes me ridiculous amounts of happy because these recipes for pretty wholesome, hearty Korean dishes are not that hard. Finding the ingredients, maybe slightly difficult, but the actual cooking?
Shove it in a pot and hope it doesn’t boil over.
3 medium carrots
3 medium/small potatoes
1 1/2 (large) onions
4 cloves of garlic
2 skinless chicken breast fillets
1 small turkey steak
2/3 cup soy sauce (1/3 reduced sodium, 1/3 premium dark… which is why it’s so… dark)
1/3 cup water
3 tbsp gochujang – spicy red pepper paste.
Chop the carrots, potatoes and onion into chunks
Chop the meat into large chunks too
Dice the garlic
In a large pot, add some oil and wait for it to heat to medium-high
Add the potatoes, carrots, onions and meat – stir occasionally to distribute heat
In a separate bowl, mix the soy sauce, water and gochujang together
Add to the meat and veg and bring to a boil
Bring the heat down and simmer until cooked (about 40 minutes)
Serve over boiled rice 😀
It’s such a simple recipe and tastes absolutely fab. If you’re vegan or vegetarian, you can substitute the meat for quorn or tofu, or extra veg (butternut squash might be quite nice). Since we used uber premium dark soy sauce (I forgot soy sauce could be that… thick) our sauce turned out a little darker than I was expecting, but it didn’t alter the dish outcome at all.
I’d definitely suggest making this if you want to try to make Korean food at home – the hardest thing to find is probably the gochujang, but most asian supermarkets should carry it. You can also adjust the spiciness level depending on your tastebuds, just add less of the paste for a milder stew, or add some red pepper flakes for more FIRE AND HEAT.
Have you ever tried Korean food? What’s your favourite dish?
Oh my god this sounds absolutely lush, we actually have quite a few specialist supermarkets here which is awesome, I love just browsing them xxx
Yummm this sounds delicious! The only Asian dish I've ever cooked is ramen, and that went well, so I feel I could give this a try! xMartha Jane | http://www.marthajanemusic.com
YES THANK YOU – definitely on a list for now, love me a good korean one pot stew!