I’ve been incredibly lucky so far this December, I won my first ever MAC cosmetics lipstick from the lovely Jessica (over at making it up, go and have a lil’ snoop). First ever MAC product. Don’t judge, I’ve just never got round to exploring the counter before – it isn’t exactly...
Ahhhhahah Christmas is a 10 days away. Oops. Double oops. This year I swore I was going to be organised and that worked out really well. But if you’re anything like me and panicking slightly here are a few really easy gift ideas that are still in stock, not going...
The only Black Friday purchase I made this year was this: the sugarbaby ballet boppers in noir. Via Dollskill. Reduced from $95 to $45 I sort of had to get them. THEY MAY NEVER BE THAT PRICE AGAIN. Logic. I has much of it. Obviously. So. To make the...
It’s a liiiiitle bit worrying how much I love the collection in H&M at the moment. As in, no fair. Please cease and desist with stocking things that I feel I need in my wardrobe. It’s painful. Up until last week I had been brilliantly good with the ‘not buying...
I love decorating the house for Christmas, have done ever since I was old enough to tear down what mum put up (who needs a cat when you have kids?), and then be plonked in front of brightly coloured sticky paper to make reems and reems ane reeeeeeeems of paper...
Sooo I might have started watching Scream Queens. I’m late to the party, I know, I know, but uniiiiii. I’m not fully caught up but I’m on episode 9 and so far my favourite thing is the wardrobe departments styling choices. Bet none of you saw that one coming… lolz. I...