I’m feeling a lil’ bit creatively drained right now (over 5k words of essays will do that to you, I think), so anything from the mush that is currently my brain would probably 1) not make sense or 2) not be very engaging. And since neither of those options...
It happens every year around this time. Exams feel like they’re never going to end and deadlines make that no-refined-sugar kick you’ve been on a laughable idea as you stock up on all the sweet treats the supermarkets have to offer. Sobs. Oh, and inevitably your bank account will...
When your life is piles and piles of paper and post-it-notes and multicoloured ink and deadlines, getting parcels you forgot about in the post is a very welcome surprise. I wasn’t in dire need of anything this time, unlike my last Korean cosmetic haul, but I saw a some things...
There’s snow on the ground outside, and the wind is biting, sharp little teeth of ice that nip at your fingers if you forget gloves (and you do, so often) to venture outside. Graduation is a long way off, but not at all, and the future...
This week has been the week of MUCH REVISION. SUCH DISSERTATION. And also seeing Star Wars for the second time. I really do love that film. I’ve been back at the uni flat for near enough a week again now, so the routine is pretty much, revise, read, eat,...
This is probably one of the coldest days for a while, but I’m taking advantage of revision breaks to shoot outfits in front of some of Sheffield’s most impressive architecture. Also trying something new with today’s editing – so let me know what you think! coat: new look shirt: urban...