I’m back from London Fashion Week, and pretty permanently in Sheffield for the foreseeable future (although plans are already being made to travel soon…), which is nice. I feel a bit more grounded now, safe in the knowledge that I’m not going to unpack, only to have to fill up a suitcase again in a week or two. I love travelling, but sometimes you need to take a break, you know?
This weekend, obviously, was London Fashion Week. If you’ve managed to somehow miss that memo, then I think some congratulations are in order. I mean, it’s been in practically every UK newspaper. It’s paraded all over London with banners and posters with ‘London Fashion Week Exclusives’ in that oh-so bold font type. So if you have somehow avoided it, I’m sorry for bringing it to your attention now. Sort of. Not really.
My Fashion Week mostly comprised of me tottering around Somerset House in ridiculous shoes, talking to lovely people and attempting to take photographs in the time when I wasn’t being photographed myself. Breaks were taken for beating the hunger with #fashionflakes and filling up my Nero card (only need to buy two more drinks before The Free One) to keep me hydrated in our late summer heat. Seriously wearing an all-black outfit on Day 4 was a Terrible Mistake.
My photo focus was bags and shoes. There were so many awesome bags and shoes among the sea of monochromatic outfits. Oh and hats. I fell into the Floppy Hat Tribe this year, equally loved and loathed every minute of it – wind and hats are not friends. Wind and wide-brimmed hats are worst enemies. Sad times. Super sad times. But floppy hats are apparently camera magnets, and as much as I prefer to be the one taking the photos, I do know that I will appear in quite a few places all over the internet – which is quite a nice feeling. It’s lovely when people appreciate your outfit.
There were, of course, fabulous outfits on the street style side of things (catwalks were obviously spectacular – posts to come on some of my absolute favourites.), a nice distraction from the fact that I don’t have anywhere near enough internet clout to be invited to any of the day-time scheduled shows. Though that doesn’t really matter as I had the time to chat to a number of photographers, bloggers and generally fashionable people.
So over my next few posts I’ll show you some of my favourite photos, favourite collections and a couple of my favourite shots of myself.
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