First week of Final Year starts on Monday… and I’ve only just finished getting myself sorted stationery wise. For someone that has a verified stationery addiction that is probably raising a few eyebrows, but I’m good to go. Sorted.
Apart from the fact I forgot to pick up a lecture notebook. Balls.
What I did manage to get though, are the essentials I mentioned in my uni stationery wishlist post, so bonus points to me for walking into paperchase and not buying everything. I was sorely tempted to, a lot of the collections right now are absolutely adorable, but I was good. Food is a necessity. All the stickers are probably not.
monthly desktop planner: c/o busy B
I’ll start with the organisational side of things, mostly because I’m really excited to talk about this undated monthly desktop planner* that busyB kindly gifted me. Undated planners are my absolute jam, because you can start them whenever you bloomin’ well please – especially useful when your school year runs at awkward times, or you need to start from a very specific month and don’t want to waste half an ‘xx year’ calendar. This planner is also super duper adorable, and has little pockets so you can store important things for each month in the actual planner. Without worrying they’re going to spill out all over your desk. Petition to make that a regular planner thing?
paperchase All Change lever arch file
Lever Arch Files are a great place to store all your uni notes throughout the year – and I absolutely fell in love with this one from Paperchase that I just simply had to have it. Nothing else would compare to having the London Tube map on my filing system, tbqh. At £4 (less if you whack out that student discount card) you can hardly go wrong now, can you?
My secret weapon when it comes to studying, and kind of what I owe my grades last year to (more on that later…), are coloured pens. These smiggle duel end felt tips – part of an absolutely fab goody bag put together by small man media at the #BloggersFestival – will tide me over quite nicely, I feel. Since they have both a fine and thick tipped end, I can write neatly and scribble terribly illegibly all over my notes. Score.
I also caved and bought probably an obscene amount of stickers to add to this set that I got for my birthday. #cantstopwontstop
And that’s it! Other than my obvious need to pick up either a bando notebook, or run into wilko’s and get a super cheap 5 subject notebook, I am set. Bring on final year…
Which item is your favourite? And are you all set for the start of term?
That's so so cute!www.julialundin.com
I'm craving some stationary shopping now, everything you got is so cute and makes me want to be organised!! Lauren xxwww.teastainedlauren.blogspot.co.uk
I do not have any cute stationary this year, I need some! Love the stickers! xMartha Jane | http://www.marthajanemusic.com
My favourite thing about returning to University is the stocking up of stationary. Your planner is my favourite item. Adorable! Jacksons Cup of Tea | Fashion and lifestyle blog
I love the colors and floral print in your calendar. It's always so great when you can stay organized and stylish at the same time. Stephanie @ Sartorial Diner
Stationary can be so cute! Love the busy b calendar, all of their products are so lovely!www.ohjanuary.blogspot.co.uk
I love Busy B, im thinking of getting a few things myself when its pay day =] emyii90.blogspot.co.uk
Love stationary like… more than life itself. Loving everything you bought! & the fact you forgot to get something to write your lecture notes in hahaha. Well done for not buying everything in Paperchase, you deserve some sort of medal.Robyn xowww.phasesofrobyn.com
Clearly I am super duper prepared this year. practically left half my useful life at my parents house … still waiting for that parcel from them (who forgets a bloody frying pan?????) x
Coloured pens are my jam. Honestly, I love writing things if I can write them all in a variety of colours. So pleasing on the eyes.Meg | A Little Twist Of…
i absolutely love the paperchase underground map products. Such a cool theme and hilariously practical. Fab haul girl, I'm such a stationary nerd!Ellewww.theellenextdoor.comxx