March 17, 2015
lifestyle•student•tips hints & pointers•uni survival guide
Top 5 tips: Staying organised
If there’s one thing that Uni, studying abroad, blogging and taking my first actual, real steps into adulthood has taught me, it is that you need to be organised. And that my old system of ‘organised chaos’ wasn’t actually the best system for me. So this past year I’ve been taking small, gradual steps to be less of a mess and more of a put-together human, and I’m happy to say that it is working. And when things work I like to share – so here are a few things I do to keep organised 🙂
1 – write it down. everywhere.
Well, not everywhere, because that would be overkill, but all important dates, times and general things I write down on my yearly calendar, the calendar in my phone (synced to google calendars), and now in my filofax. While this forever renders the ‘I forgot’ excuse redundant, it does keep me aware of essay deadlines and other important (or just exciting) events.
2 – give everything a place
I used to be a massive advocate of the floordrobe, the haphazard desk, and ‘I’ll put it away later’. This, for me, was probably the hardest habit to break – but giving everything a place when I moved into the uni flat last year has helped me keep everything neat and tidy – within reason.
If you’re struggling to stay organised, I’d definitely suggest doing a desk/room/workspace refresh – take it all out, move it round and put it back in set places. When everything has a ‘home’, if it’s not there it bugs me until it is.
3 – prioritise
I have 3 essays due in April/May, and the deadlines are at weekly intervals, so it seems silly to emphasise, but the one that is to be handed in first, gets finished first. For the non academic side of my life, if it’s not a pressing issue, or if there is no deadline, then the thing in question is placed lower down than something that is.
4 – list it
I guess this only applies to those of us who enjoy making lists, or at least find them useful. I’ve found that writing a to-do list at the end of each day for things that absolutely, positively, 600% have to be done the next day helps. I haven’t invested in a ‘list book’ (yet) but post-it’s are your best friend.
5 – it’s not scheduling
I think one of the reasons I was so unorganised before was because I thought that if I was, my day to day activities would be put in little boxes and I’d be running on a monitored schedule. It scared me, thinking that making myself more organised would mean having to section my time up or something.
And then I realised that being organised isn’t (necessarily) planning out every aspect of your day. Funny that. It just means that I know what’s happening and when, rather than scrabbling for dates when someone asks me when I’m free. Or actually knowing where that notebook with all my blog post and youtube ideas actually is. Or being able to throw a party – handy for some things on the horizon.
Since actually taking these steps to flip myself into something of a more put together person, I’ve managed to be a ‘super keener/overachiever’ and get essays handed in way before final deadlines, and I found that even my approach to revising for exams had improved.
Do you have any tips for staying organised? Anything you do or have that is a must for keeping on top of things? I invested in a filofax, and it is actually changing my life!
Totally off topic, but your phonecase is absolutely amazing! It is the cutest thing ever! Anyway, really good tips! I personally write everything that I have to do on a planner, it gives me a good view of what needs to be done 🙂 xo Mel || Sketch & Scribbles
Awh thank you! Korilakkuma is his name – part of the rilakkuma sanrio franchise! Having a planner has revolutionised my life, I am not even joking aha!xo
Yeah organized chaos wasn't really doing to well with me either! I finally organized myself, actually a lot like you have, and I feel so much better. Honestly, even my grades have gone up because of it! Great post! xo, Lauren-leewww.laurenleegrace.blogspot.com
Awh thank you! I saw my grades go up too and it's amazing how much being organised can affect something like that!xo
YOU GOT THE FILOFAX!!!!Now that's out of the way, these are such good tips that I should really start implenting, especially the whole "putting things away" one… Though I do have the list thing down a bit too much (post it notes are errywherrrrre)Chantel Dione | fashion, beauty, music & lifexo
I DID. It was time and it's saving my life. Not literally but it's doing me the world of good. As soon as I assigned everything a place THINGS GOT SO MUCH EASIER. I don't see that one floating around in tip posts a lot – but giving items a set place makes me feel a lot less cluttered. xo
This is a really good post, I really need to take your advice because I have a hard time organizing my time. :)http://terramcd.blogspot.com
Awh I hope the organisation fairies grant you some of their magic ahaThank you hunxo
I live by my lists, I can't do without!Annabel ♥Mascara & Maltesers
I love writing them too! So therapeutic xo
Love these tips, Fi!I'm very must a post-it and to-do list kind of gal as well!Lauren xxwww.thelifestylediaries.com
Ahh yay I'm glad! All the cute post its. Alllll the cute stationery, to be honest aha!xo
That blue planner is soooo cute honey!!! Really useful tips!!!I would be sooo happy if we will follow each other and stay in touch, honey! Follow4follow? :Dxoxo Colli // tobeyoutiful
It's filofaxes compact patent organiser in duck egg blue (you can get it here) Following you on gfc hun xo
Really cool topic, babe! I am organized freak as well. I can see where your Korean passion comes from, as the theme of your stationary is all kind of Korean. Really pretty!www.ninzbeauty.com
Ahh I bought most of the stationery while I was in Korea. Artbox is an addiction and I have no shame… Thank you!xo
Awesome post and amazing tips! Also, I really, really love your Mobile Case :)WritingMonique
Ah thank you!! (It's from ebay – mostly because Sanrio refuse to make official samsung phone cases, but the characters name is korilakkuma, from the rilakkuma franchise!)xo
great post! i literally live my life via lists hahafrom helen at thelovecatsinc.comps. win the rose gold GHD styler and hairdryer on my blog here!
Awh thank you! (So much, r eally) xo
needed thisgafashion.blogspot.com
good post! and lovely pictures (loving that iPhones case as so cute) :)http://allornothing-blog.blogspot.co.uk/
I need a filofax. I've been making an effort this year to fill in my diary and write lists but the problem now is they are in separate books that get moved or forgotten. So I need to get an all-in-one! It definitely helps to write down what you need to do that day and even better for me is writing myself a timetable for that day. I know you wouldn't like doing that but for me it's the only way to get things done! xAmy at Amynmore.blogspot.co.uk
They're definitely worth the investment! I've only had mine a short amount of time but it's doing wonders for my organisation!xo
I'm trying to stick to all of these tips, my organisation has improved a lot but Im still not good, I'm a terrible procrastinator and thats not the best with it being my third year of uni!Emma x Writing Essays With Wine
Ahhh yes! The procrastination game is one I'm exceedingly good at. Hopefully you'll just keep on improving :Dxo