Wow today was cold. Cold in the ‘bitterly nipping wind and I definitely did not wear a thick enough jumper for this‘ sense of cold. Not even my Korean shearling coat made for korean winter cold could save me. So I feel like a bit of an ice cube but I’ve had such a wonderful weekend.
First up, I finished all of my exams for this semester! Score!! And hopefully, they went as well as I feel they did, and considering the amount of work I’ve put in this term it would be nice. Now I have a week free before the start of next term to sleep. Or do things I’ve been putting off in favour of revision, like navigating my camera settings or actually going outside for a reason other than necessity. I think I’m going to start a couple of the projects I’ve had in mind.
Today though, I got up ridiculously early so I could go and visit one of my closest friends in London for the day. My train left at 8:01am on a Sunday – ouch – and despite London’s best efforts to make getting into central as hideous as possible, we managed to meet on time and catch up over burgers and tea and shopping and more tea. I was a horrible enabler, what with my NUSextra card and willingness to go to all the shops. It wasn’t in any sense an elaborate day, but it was such a nice change of pace from the monotony of my January and exams/revision.
I think I’m going to crawl into bed now and sleep for 4 years. Ok that may be a slight exaggeration, but hopefully I get more than 4 hours! I’m so looking forwards to February, how about you? How was your weekend – did you do anything awesome? I’d really love to hear about it!
congrats on finishing your exams!i'm looking forward to february a lot, it's my birthday and many of friends as well :Dxxhttp://anoddgirl.blogspot.com.au
Thank you! Oh really? Have a happy early birthday from me! February seems to be an exciting month for many this year 🙂 Fii x
Congrats on finishing your exams, I bet you must be super relieved!! I'm glad you got to have fun in London, I've never been there and always wished I could visit sometime! I had a fantastic weekend myself, filled with lots and lots of delicious food (my favorite type of weekend 😉 lols.www.thejoyoffashionblog.com
Thank you, and yes I am! Exams are so stressful for me, I'm constantly doubting myself and that really isn't healthy! Oh if you get the chance I hope you enjoy it, London is a wonderful city, filled with amazing little places. That is also my favourite type of weekend, glad to hear your weekend was fantastic!! :)Fii x
Congrats on finishing your exams!! I've never been in London, but i really wanna go someday.Augustahttp://augustamikkelsen.com
Thank you! The new term just started today so it's back to hard work and studying! Oh I really hope you do, London has so many gorgeous little places tucked away, definitely worth an exploration :)Fii x