As it turns out, I have a lot of grey clothes. It’s a really, really wearable colour – which is probably preaching to the flippin’ choir but I really like the colour grey. It’s not too clinical (white, white and more white), or too dark (black as the depths of night), but a nice in between depending on your mood. Also it’s really close to silver and I fudging love silver.
Also, fishtail braids are so pretty but take a flippin’ age to do.
beanie: asos
quilted bomber jacket: taobao
sweater: taobao
jeans: h&m
shoes: ebay
I don’t think I particularly suit beanies. I’ve worn this one a grand total of twice since I bought it in the asos sale last year, but I’m determined to wear it more. The lil’ patch on it says ‘no brand needed’ which: ha. hahahaha. But I think it’s really cute.
The sweater and the jacket are from TaoBao, and for the price (cheap, basically) the quality is ah-may-zing. I’ve worn the jumper multiple times since it arrived last year and it’s so snuggly and so warm and soft – it was basically £5. The jacket I saw, really liked, and now I’m tempted to get the pink one too (but won’t because I’m putting myself on a spending ban). It cost about £11? Roughly? You’ll see soon enough how good the quality is and why I’m so in love soon.
Jeans are old h&m, you know their £9.99 black ones? Or the ones they used to do? Yup those. Still in love, these are ridic well worn.
The boots are from eBay. Chantel rocked up to mine in a pair and I decided that we needed to twin. Though mine are patent and come with handy zips.
I promise one day I’ll look more amused in photos. Also today was the first time I’ve EVER done fishtail braids I’m so proud of myself.
It’s the little things. :’)
What do you think of all grey outfits? Thoughts on this look? Leave a comment, let me know! <3
I'm aaaall about grey. My mum told me the other day that I own too many grey things – like that's a bad thing?! You totally rock the beanie, btw xCharlotte / Colours & Carousels
The shoooooooooooooesssssssss ❤️❤️❤️Also these photos of you are super cute, you cute little cutiepie you ❤️ xo
Grey is my favourite color.Love that look so muchNew on http://www.makeartnotlove.blogspot.com
Thank you so much <3xo
You look amazinggggg! You work those shoes so well xLove Vicki | victoriajanex.co.uk
Honestly I have such good taste it's ridic *insert sassy lady emoji here* AND SO DO YOU! You look like a character in an American high school comedy movie with the varsity jacket & beanie btwChantel // Bonnie Blondiexo
we're going to have entire sections of our wardrobes that just… match. OOP.SAnd I'm totes the sassy pixie child that death-glares everyone. And then is like OH HI :Dxo
Such a great outfit! And that jacket was £11? NO WAY. It's so awesome!Meg | A Little Twist Of…
GIRL YOU SLAYIN'I am all over this outfit like a rash. Seriously.Like I need it.It's so me I can't even. Even.Love you <3LJLVA Manchester Fashion & Lifestyle Blog
I'm in love with those boots,and totally into grey outfits!Pao♥paoetchic.blogspot.com
cute pics! this outfit is something I would 100% wear and probably live in! kimiandme.blogspot.co.uk
I also love wearing grey, and I think it looks great with black and white and like you say, tones down the bright white and white and darkness of all black. Haha, I LOVE your fishtail braid. I am still to figure out how to do them!Sarah xxx http://www.whatsasssays.com
Love the editing on these photos! And a fiver for that jumper? Bargain for sure! XAdidas X Pharrell Williams dupes over on hailandharmony.blogspot.ie // BLOGLOVIN
I also love grey and have lots of clothing items, especially jumpers, in that colour. This outfit is amazing, love your jumper <3Valentina from http://fashionwithvalentina.blogspot.com
Love this look! The shoes are gorgeous!
This is my FAVOURRRIITEEE. You manage to look cute and stylish with a hint of tomyboy-ishness in there – I promise this is a compliment – and I ADORE IT! 🙂 Also Im a huge fan of beanies so I say yes, wear more! xx
You work that beanie so well, and I love the jacket! I love this grungy look so much, I could never pull it off though! xMartha Jane | http://www.marthajanemusic.com
Grey, as well as navy, are my two favorite neutral colors to wear! I feel you on the fishtail braids, my hands get tired and cramped from doing them, plus they never turn out like the Pinterest photos ahaAngelina Is | Bloglovin'
Nice sweater 🙂 BLOG M&MFASHIONBITES : http://mmfashionbites.blogspot.gr/Maria V.
Great OOTD :)please follow my blog : THE COLORFUL THOUGHTS
I love this outfit, you're totally rocking it. I really want some shoes like yours they're gorgeous xSophie | ssophiespot.blogspot.co.uk
This is awesome! Such a cool style! I can barely do regular braids let alone fishtail ones, good work!Tegan xx – Permanent Procrastination
Such a lovely outfit, it looks absolutely lovely on you as well (you're gorgeous by the way)!LITAH
I love that jacket and those shoes are TO DIE FOR. I need to get me a pair like that! xxKimberley // thecolourchronicles.com
These were about £10 from eBay! They're really, really light though, so ice and hills and basically winter aren't fun in them :') But they're super easy to walk in and YES. LET ME ENABLE YOU. 😀
Omg you look so bad ass girl! I love this jacket and the boots are so cool! 🙂 Heather Xx100waysto30.co.uk