Last night they unveiled Christmas trees on QVC, and despite Autumn not starting officially until 22nd of September, the weather being fairly warm and sunny, it seems we are entering the season of gifting.
Cue blind panic, the realisation that Winter Is Coming, and probably questions about my choice of TV channels. Thankfully, Getting Personal is here to help with one of those things.
A while ago a very exciting email landed in my inbox a little while back now from Getting Personal, an online gifting service, asking if I wanted to get involved with a blogger gift swap. I do love giving gifts, so said that I would, sent along my choices for my own giftee (Caitlin of Through The Mirror) and didn’t really think much about it until an absolutely massive box arrived for me. I could hardly miss it, it was bright orange.
Identifiable boxes aside, Getting Personal is a fab website if you’re struggling for present ideas. They have a really nice range of items, from novelty fun times to delicate anniversary and wedding gifts. They also have a customization option, so you can add your own text, photos, and messages to make things extra special.
My box was from Jemma, and I always think seeing what other people think you’d like is fascinating. I love the fact Jem decided to put my blog name on pretty much everything, no chance of this hoodie winding up in a sister’s wardrobe, or finding my mug alongside someone else’s breakfast, or the notebook toddling off with my lil’ sister to uni. Can’t say I’m going to be able to keep tabs on the chocolate for long, but I’ll make a valiant attempt to mix it into something my family can share too.
So if you’re struggling to think of gifts for your loved ones this year, you might want to give Getting Personal a go!
Let me know what you think of this sort of service – are you a fan of personalised gifts? Also let me know what you think of Jemma’s choices. I think she did a really good job choosing gifts for me 🙂
Yaaaay they came hehe! <3 I think the whole project is super cute, and Im glad you like 'em! xx
YOU CHOSE SO WELL. I'm really happy with em (also the chocolate is now gone. Barely managed to get snaps of it! :') )
this mug looks SO adorable. I am in luvvv with this idea tbhNoor | Noor's Place
I really like the look of that personal mug. I love collecting mugs so by having a personalised one would be fab! I also love this idea for christmas and birthdays! Tabitha x whattabithaloves.blogspot.co.uk
This sounds like such an amazing idea! I wonder if they'll do it again (if so, I'm totally signing up for it *cough*)
So cute! This is such a good idea and love how Jemma put your name on everything (I may have to steal this idea for my student sister's uni presents…) xx