There are times when, as a student, the healthy option just isn’t a thing. Too expensive, too time consuming, too much hassle when there are exams and all you want to do is sleep or cram or cry. It’s so much easier to bang a pizza, or a bunch...
Something a little bit different today – that I think is probably a bit of a touchy subject in the UK generally, let alone the blogosphere. But political attachments aside, this is an issue that is really important, regardless of what country you are in. Actually voting is just as...
Despite the fact I am being good and saving, rather than spending at the moment, not lusting after things simply does not happen. I wouldn’t say I was massively materialistic, but boredom shopping/browsing is a thing that happens in my life – so I can end up with pretty...
It’s got to that time of… year(?) or stage, I guess, where my current hairstyle feels tired and annoys me no end, it’s up more than it’s down and the ends are all ratty. Basically a mess, which isn’t great by any standards and it’s making me feel meh...
The London Collections: Men started yesterday (or Thursday night things kicked off, rather) and I would give various body parts to be anywhere near London right now, or have the time to slack off for a few days to take the new camera out for a spin. And by...
I have two weeks until my first exam, and in the midst of revising/memorising dates and names and a whole lot of information about contemporary Japan/Japan’s politics, Chinese cities and trying not to procrastinate on asos too much, Following on from my revision tips post, I thought I’d share...