I need the tee with that tour title on it, to be quite honest, but tour shirts are so flipping expensive. Anyway, this is technically installment #3 of ‘Fii is slightly reckless really close to deadlines/exams but goes to gigs anyway’, but hey. You only live once, and all...
With essays and exams and really fun, consecutive deadlines, comes stress and the need to consume ALL THE SUGAR for that temporary energy boost to academic success. It’s no surprise that my skin has not been in the best condition for the past couple of weeks, and it’s also...
HI GUYS. I have surfaced from the world of essay writing (aka hell), and would like to apologise for my absence. Only 3 exams stand before me and summer. 3. During this dark, dark time, though, I received a lovely little surprise in the mail. My first ever subscription...
jumper: missguided pinafore: topshop | similar dress: h&m socks: star101 (korean store) shoes: asos So I voted today for the first time in person and it was slightly scary (because I’m petrified of doing things for the absolute first time by myself), but I DID IT. I’m 2/3 of...
If Korea taught me one thing, it is that you have to be selfie (selca) ready all the goddamn time. Maybe I just have vain friends, but I learnt a thing or two (or ten) about how to fake feeling fresh and spritely #nofilter, when you’re hungover on a...
sweater: c/o lalalilo.com skirt: ebay braces: korea shoes: korea socks: primark This is my all-time favourite skirt to tuck stuff into. Also one of my all-time favourite skirts. IT HAS SPIKES. I also got it a ridiculously long time ago (first month of first year… so 2 years), but...