Considering the end of October is, well, today, I don’t really think anything else is going to magically appear in my possession other than what I’ve already purchased this month. So this is probably the tiniest haul in the history of the word… but I’m going to share it with you anyway. I went to superdrug and boots, which is one of my favourite things to do at this time of year, seeing as they have 3 for 2 on so much. It makes buying annoyingly expensive things a lot less painful.
From left to right, we have:
– ecoTools naturally beautiful lash system in ‘wispy and flared’.
– Rimmel London lasting finish lipstick in shade 128, or ‘Starry-eyed’
– Natural collection blushed cheeks in ‘pink cloud’
– Rimmel London lasting finish lipstick in shade 077, or ‘Asia’
– Real Techniques blusher brush
I am absolutely in love with both lipsticks — Starry-eyed is definitely going to be a favourite for the colder months, I can tell. It’s also the perfect shade for my Halloween look tomorrow. Asia is probably a little on the dark+brown side for a MLBB lipstick, but I love the colour of it anyway. It’s a darker nude that gives me a little more variety than my current collection of pinks and reds.
Eyelashes are something that I don’t buy often, if at all. I’m lucky that I have naturally long eyelashes, so I don’t really feel the need to wear them unless I want a really dramatic eye look. I also find them really hard to apply and generally get really frustrated, so they don’t find their way into my basket on the regular. Either way, with it being the season for dramatic eyes, I thought I’d pick up a more natural pair to try, even though the ecoTools packaging is probably the scariest eyelash packaging I have seen. Ever. I think I’ll write up a review of the lashes this weekend, seeing as I’ve never seen people talk about them.
Brushes!!! The only set of brushes I’ve ever owned, sorry to say, is a super cheap set I bought from amazon when I was about 15. They are in dire need of replacement, but I really know nothing about brushes, all things considered. I can harp on for hours about various beauty related things, but when it comes to brushes, I am stumped, and that translates into me putting off buying new ones. The ones I hear mentioned a lot are Zoeva and Real Techniques, but I’m not about to drop £90+ shipping on a full set of something that I don’t even know how to use properly, so I decided to pick up something from Real Techniques. It was a toss up between the powder brush or the blusher brush, but my current powder brush isn’t on it’s very last legs yet, blusher brush won.
I’ve never tried anything from Natural Collection before, so this blusher is a first for me, I was looking for something very baby-pink, and I don’t know if this one fits quite right for what I want, but we’ll see.
Well that was super chatty… Oops? You can probably tell that I’m not really spending much money on material things at the moment… yay student budget and saving for things. I’d love to hear what you think – any brushes other than EcoTools and Real Techniques I should try?
I wonder how the blush will turn out. It seems like a nice, light pink to give you a flushed look. :] // itsCarmen.com ☼ ☯
It's actually a lot more baby pink than I thought it would be! It'd go really well with a natural look for people like me with really pale skin :)thank you for reading xo
I love Real Techniques brushes – I have the core collection. :)Alex // http://www.prettythoughtsx.blogspot.co.uk
I'm definitely a fan of them now. Ooh, do they last well? I'm thinking of getting some of the other face brushes xo