I blinked and it’s March… so that calls for a wishlist, right?
I’m feeling a change in the air~ and by change I mean I’m actually taking steps to organise. Like properly and effectively organise my life. Step up, Filofax, and your organisational abilities. I have a calendar, and I’ve been filling it up steadily since January 1st, but it isn’t the most portable, and hefting my now jurassic laptop around everywhere is just not an option. Tablets are an alternative, but I don’t want everything to crash on me, so I’m going back to pen and paper. It’s therapeutic. Despite my love for all things classically monochrome, the black/white version is way too financially crippling, but the patent duck egg blue is cute and timeless.
(Original Black // Patent – duck egg blue)
I fell out of love a little bit with River Island’s clothes last year. There wasn’t really anything that I felt I liked enough to buy, there were a couple of pieces that I thought would look cute, but prices negated payment. This season though… I’m going to find it hard to avoid the 20% off for students on Thursday. These three tops are so cute, easy to style, and I’m loving bright prints at the moment, as well as racer backs and the contrasting boxy cuts. I’m a sucker for a crop, so no surprises there.
I don’t think I’ve talked about my love for Style Nanda enough on here, mostly because once I left Korea I thought I’d be relegated to just staring at the clothes on their website and on shoots. Because Style Nanda shoots are brilliant and I love their eye for location and detail. It’s very much a ‘Korean’ brand, as they go, quirky prints and bff’s with the oversized aesthetic. When it’s not it’s form fitting and yet both seem to fall into looking perfectly uljjang. But I thought I’d check their website and lust over their KKXX range, as per usual, and stumbled across some NANDA made sweaters. Which I now need.
Lastly, beauty related, and brands I haven’t tried before. I’m not in desperate need of a new moisturiser or cleanser, really, so I doubt I’ll be picking up these any time soon, but if the mood or situation strikes these will be the top of my list to try. They’re on offer at the minute in boots, so I’m trying to fend off temptation. Has anyone tried these products before?
(Ponds Hydro Nourishing Cream // Botanics All Bright Gentle Cleansing Cream)
What’s on your wishlist this March? Anywhere you think I should check out? I swear yesterday was Christmas… this year is flying by ridiculously fast and I’m not sure I’m on board with it!
OK I was clearly wrong on twitter about the colour of the organiser (it looked mint there I swear!!) but I still need it in my life because anything pastel blue or green is my jam. Best colours ever. I also need the "Up to Here" jumper as it literally describes my thoughts 24/7. Also yes to the Style Nanda shoots. My old k-fashion tumblr is full of edits I made of photos pulled from the site and they have some of the most gorgeous models/uljjangs on there – LOVE ITChantel Dione | fashion, beauty music, lifexo
It looks mint to me too!! The website calls it blue, though, so. Mint is my absolute favourite colour I have so much accidental mint in my life. It is brilliant. I want my life to be a stylenanda shoot. I miss the store so mUCH IT'S 3 FLOORS OF BRILLIANT DESIGN. Honestly anywhere with a permanent photo booth is an instant fave place. They ship internationally now. Just fyi ~xo
I've heard a lot of great reviews on Ponds products but never tried it, may need to. Botanics on the other hand, I love! xJadie | http://www.jadiespillett.com
Ohhh ok so points for botanics then! I'll have to have a little look for reviews on the ponds product, I just saw it on the boots website and went hmmmm… might try. Ahah thank you!xo
I love that robins egg blue planner! I need to get a planner or something I'm so unorganized!COOCOO FOR COCO
I'm biting the bullet and getting one, eventually, when the price is right. This week. Ish. Maybe. Yeah I'm trying to sort everything so I have a routine before I desperately need to be organised. I may be jumping the gun a tad but if I have it started now, it won't be as hard in the future… Logic!!! 🙂 xo
Ooo the Ponds cream sounds nice, I'm also looking for a moisturiser to try(although I love my current) I need something to switch up to every so often. I;'d love to know what you think if you do try it out : )Kathrynnimblenote.blogspot.com
If I do pick it up I'll definitely do a review (or just tweet you, depending on my mood/workload aha). Moisturisers are so hard to switch up, I find. Though I'm not *in love* with my current one, so it should be fairly easy to… not… repurchase aha xo
Love your Style Nanda picks! I'm looking for a new moisturiser atm because I think the one I have is breaking me out. I'm going to do a wishlist soon, gonna be so much 60s/70s inspired stuff xxelly from alldeathbydiamonds
I want my life to be a StyleNanda shoot :((( their concepts are always so interesting and varied yet totally fit the brand. It's so enviable. I get that too. And oooh yay I look forwards to seeing it :DDxo
Great selection. I haven't ordered on Style Nanda yet b/c the shipping is too much expensive..$20 for Belgium ! Are they serious lol ! Sometimes..you can find the same clothes on AliExpress or on other website less expensive. XFollow me on GFC, I always follow back.▬ http://WWW.HEKYMA.COM ▬
Ahh yeahhh, the shipping is insane, usually from Korea it isn't that bad, but they do package things incredibly well. I miss having the store so close to me 🙁 I do find that the AliExpress etc. quality can be a bit dicey, since they're shopping services based in China, and don't necessarily find the best quality products/ products as pictured. At least with Style Nanda I've seen the quality first hand, aha. 🙂 xo
Cute picks!franleanne.blogspot.co.ukx
Thank you!! :)xo
I love your fashion picks xHannah | Heyitshannaah
Thank you!! 🙂 xo
Loving the duck egg organiser! I ought to get one ha Ummm Topshop and River Island are on a roll with their spring collection! Then Missguided have lots of stripy things which i'm loving! Its my birthday this month so I'm hoping some bits and bobs from these shops ^^ The Pixie Cut | Cosmopolitan ‘Best New Fashion Blog’ Winner 2014
(I caved. It is the prettiest thing and shall help me greatly!)And ooh ooh yes I agree! I hope you find some lovely things for birthday treats!!:)xo
Love the comic print jumpers! You can never go wrong with a nice comfy jumper 🙂 xo♡Kudzai || NEWKIDBLOGS
I have a genuine neeeed for a lot of StyleNanda things – which my bank balance will not agree with but hey. And I so agree – comfy jumpers all the way!xo
Ha! I love the wishlist rationalization 😉 Great picks!xoxoKaleyMy Closet Life Blog
Ahah, if I can rationalise it's one step closer to being ok to buy it aha!xo
So cute, have a nice weekend dear!Alice Cerea, BABYWHATSUP.COM
Thank you, you too!! xo
Look who else has a March wish list! https://sliceofdubai.wordpress.com/2015/03/08/slice-of-dubai-march-wishlist/