As a human, I think my hair is quite important. Some days it feels fab, others… not so much. And as someone who suffers from trich too, especially when stress is high, the ‘other’ days are sometimes really, really frequent. And then there are the other ‘sometimes’ when I just want to look completely different and confuse everyone,
Enter Lockshop.
I was first introduced to Lockshop via the online lolita community, but didn’t really have much of a need/want or the pennies for them. But times and circumstance change, and I realised that heck it’d be really cool if I could have a collection of ways to change my hair at moments notice, minimal hassle, so I consulted a couple of my more knowledgeable friends (Han, Meg, Sarah) and then ended up on Lockshop.
The store has three lines, Regular, Pure, and Premium. The ‘Pure’ line is for more every-day wear, so they’re a little bit lighter and more durable so tend to be a tad coarser. The ‘Premium’ line are lace front, hand knotted and usually limited edition; with the ‘Regular’ line doing exactly what it says on the tin. All are billed as high-quality synthetic products.
I was quite skeptical about ordering wigs online. I’ve done so in the past for cosplay purposes years ago, although they were e-bay sellers and although weren’t bad, they weren’t fab either, and I much prefer the system they had in Korea where they had actual stores so you could go and see them. I’d also heard quite a mixed set of responses from most of the larger wig retailers in many a community, so I hoped that I wasn’t going to be throwing my money away. Do quite like having money.
The only issue I had in the entire order process was a bug in their system meant my order hadn’t processed properly. The lockshop team informed me pretty swiftly, and gave the option for them to re-process the order which would mean waiting a little longer, or to have the order completely refunded. As you can probably guess I chose the first option, since waiting wasn’t really much of an issue for me at all.
The wig ordered was the Sylph style in Mahogany, which is a beautiful red toned brown, settling in a deep auburn, I think. It’s really soft, brushes out well and is easily styled. The cap has clips in so you can adjust it to the size of your head, and it doesn’t feel too heavy when it’s on. I won’t say it isn’t noticeable, because the extra hair obviously is, but I didn’t find it to be too bad. It also looks really natural on too, which for synthetic wigs can be quite the chore. It got to the point where, when I was taking photos for this post (and for me in general) I really wanted the colour and length to be my own hair. Sad times.
Overall, I’m really quite happy and hope to be able to use the Sylph wig in a couple of shoots or pet-projects I have planned. It’s also nice to have the option to have princess hair without the damage of extension too.
Let me know what you guys think! I’m just gonna sit over here and wonder why my genes didn’t bestow upon me this hair colour or this length…
I've never considered or thought about wigs, but this looks amazing on you! Mykie from Glam & Gore is one of my favourite YouTubers and her wig game is STRONG. You're both making me want to try… xMartha Jane | http://www.marthajanemusic.com
It's something I was only really introduced to as part of the lolita community because it's less stress on your actual hair with all the teasing and styling! (also you get to look more perfect yay). Tbh i'm going to invest in some more because I think they're FAB for a quick change rather than permanent, and my hair isn't healthy enough to look like this yet aaa xo
Ah this looks so good on you! I have a couple of wigs lying around somewhere but I always had a huge headache after wearing them… Although that teaches me from buying wigs off eBay haha. I've heard so many good things about Lockshop though and they regularly update their insta which is awesome, so I am tempted to give it a try!
It looks so beaut on you! And ohhhh, how I feel you on the fact wigs always make you wish you had THAT style as your actual hair.Meg | A Little Twist Of…
I'm in love with this look. I've been feeling really down about my hair since I had to dye it for work, to the point where I get the urge to shave my head at least twice a day. I may have to invest…
So cute! I went into a little wig shop last summer and had so much fun. My hair is thick and dark, so dying it fun, lighter colors is not really an option for me – I'd love to get a few different wigs to wear from time to time!xx Alyssavisionsofnyc.blogspot.com
It suits you so so much!Lounaturallybeige.comxxx
Aww you look soo cute in Wigs and loved your look. I'd love to try this wigs. Thanks for sharing Info…
This wig looks SOOOO good on you! I'm glad you like it! I've never gone with a natural looking wig from Lockshop before tbh… I've always gone with the unnatural colours! But I'll have to check out these ones for future uses :)xoxo