Today was probably the worst day for photos in the history of street style. Rain, biting wind, that bitter, bitter cold that only the riverfront can bring. It was, for all intents and purposes, not ideal.
I did manage to get the odd good shot before I felt that my camera was going to drown, it was nice to see colour against the grey of the sky and the general dreariness of the day. I also got to say hi to Irene Kim, one of my absolute favourite models, so my fashion week has been officially made. The Topshop Unique show is definitely one I want to spend way more time talking about, major enjoyment, it’s actually making me excited for this autumn/winter.
How has your weekend been guys, been caught in the rain yourselves?
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all photos taken by me
The weather has been truly awful this weekend. I must say I love that tartan backpack. Cream of the Frock
It really wasn't great, was it? Totally not ideal for running around London – needed all the warmth!I'm really loving the bags this season, backpacks are becoming so chicxo
Great pics again Fii – the second one with all the yellow is a definite fave. Hope you're enjoying LFW!Chantel Dionexo
Ahh thank you hun. 🙂 Other than the fact it is bloody f r e e z i n g, it's been ace so far! Definitely cannot wait for SS16, and the warm weather. xo