If you follow me on instagram, you’ll have seen that my most recent purchase was the ever-brilliantly titled ‘F*ck I’m In my Twenties’. It’s a ‘guided’ journal by Emma Koenig, published by Chronicle Books that follows on the current almost-trend of ‘interactive books’.
I picked this particular copy up from Urban Outfitters, and really it was a tossup between this one, or ‘Wreck This Journal’. Both which my parents scoffed at, but in all fairness I really like these sort of books. I’m a sucker for ‘coffee table’ type things as it is – one day I will own Alexa Chung’s ‘It’ … one day – it can say a lot about the type of person you’re dealing with when you’re with new people, and it’s nice to have things sitting around the home to make it more… lived in? In a non-cluttered way, I mean. And even though this isn’t really a coffee table book (one or two of the pages are a little bit… unsavory for a quick flick through or the ever curious eyes of children), these sort of things have been on my wish list for a really long time. Who doesn’t want a book they can write memories in without actually keeping a journal?
For £9.99 (I paid £8.99. yay student discount!) it can seem a little gimicky – but it’s the same price, or even marginally less expensive than a photo album and a disposable camera, and they do just about the same job. Plus some of the pages are really quite funny, and not exactly what you’d think to put in your own, unprompted journal. I think my favourite page has to be the ‘overheard conversations’. Quite amusing.
So what do you think? Waste of money or not? Would you buy one? If you want to get your own one of these, then you can go here or here (americans!), for less than I paid. There’s also a tumblr for it!
See you next post~
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