Sometimes I just need to remind myself that no matter how slow it is I am going, and how slowly things change in the way that I want, I am still moving forwards and I am still achieving things. It’s a tendency of mine to get bogged down in the not-so-good parts of my life, and gloss over the awesome things that either happen to me, or that I do myself. I also tend to be really fearful of trying new things, and I’m pleased to say that I pushed myself to do things that I wouldn’t have said yes to last year.
So here’s a little list of my own personal February accomplishments:
- 040214: had an extra 2 hours after class as part of a student sample for potential new teachers at Yonsei. I was really scared to do this as I didn’t know what to expect, I didn’t know anyone, and I didn’t want to embarrass myself somehow. – I ended up really enjoying it, and talking to the potential teachers in Korean about Hugh Grant, Notting Hill and road trips, of all things, was really fun. I also got a free book out of it! 🙂
- 060214 & 11-120214: midterms D: I was pleased I didn’t psych myself out in my speaking exam, as I find that the hardest thing. And lo and behold, I had really ace midterm results!! :3
- 100214: I got my hair cut!!!! I hate having my hair cut, well I don’t hate having it done, but it generally causes me much pain and grief in England as I always doubt whether or not I made the right decision. So add on to that having to ask for what I wanted in korean… well. Needless to say I was absolutely petrified. But I did it. And voila, shorter, shoulder length hair, that is already growing out now…
- 140214: went out clubbing with three Chinese girls. The idea of this completely petrified me, since I’d only really be able to talk to them in Korean while they were able to communicate with each other in Chinese and and and… but! It was probably one of the best nights out I’ve had! The girls are adorable and it really helped that I could only speak in Korean to them, practice makes perfect after all.
- 220214: met up with a fellow expat I’d only spoken to online, really. And yes I know this can be ~incredibly dangerous~. Thankfully it wasn’t, she was who she said she was and we had fun shopping times in Myeongdong and Hongdae, and later went out in Gangnam.
- 270214: my class won ‘most popular performance’ after hours and hours and hours of after class practice in the level performance we had to do. So proud. So happy. Such payoff, and an extra bonus for me as I had choreographed half of a dance routine.
It might only be 6 things, but February is a notoriously short month, and I’m very proud of myself for achieving them.
What did you do in February, or recently, that’s made you really proud of yourself? So far the only thing I’ve accomplished in March is catching a cold. Boo.
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