It’s no secret the eBay is a massive treasure trove of weird and wonderful things that just, happen to find their way into my basket and then… somehow end up in my house? Getting the app was probably a mistake and a half. I am so so sorry, bank account.
So, so sorry.
But while there is a stigma surrounding eBay quality and truthfulness of sellers, I will proudly fly the flag for team ‘if you search hard enough, you really can find some absolute gems’. Not to say that there aren’t people out to scam you, so be careful (and aware that eBay and paypal can help you recover your money if your goods don’t turn up!)
It does bring me an immense amount of joy to find things I’ve been wanting for absolutely ages at much more reasonable prices. I’ve wanted the American Apparel reversible tutu forever, but could never stomach spending that amount for (admittedly very good quality) poof. I’ve mentioned it before in this outfit post, but I really do love it.
I also found this really cute cage skirt with nautical details. The material wasn’t at all what I was expecting (neoprene) but it fits like a dream and I’m really happy with it. The stripes and the little anchor on the zip has me swooning.
Since I’ve started using my planner like a responsible adult I’ve decided that I need all the stickers to brighten up my schedules. eBay has such an abundance of sellers for your sticker needs (with free postage) at incredibly reasonable prices. Not that I need any more to add to my collection of stickers, I still have pretty much… all of the fairy tale sets still intact from last year!
I do, however, love adding to my sunglasses collection. I saw these for about £2.50 and needed them. They’re plastic, lightweight and fabulous.
Have you picked up anything from eBay recently, or do you tend to opt to more of the usual stores?
I always forget about all the bargains you can find on eBay! I think I need to spend some more time on there searching – except I don't think my bank balance would agree with that! I find that their budget makeup brushes are actually really good! Love the stickers and the sunglasses! xxemily x ❤ | emilyloula
my first ever makeup brush set were from eBay! Really not the best at all but it was a good place to start to work out which ones I'd use! xo
fabulous sunglasses ! ♥Ninaxoxwww.titritmode.com
Ahh thank you my dear!xo
I'm so jealous of the stickers with the rabbit and penguin on it, so cute! Those sunglasses were a great find too because other sites want more money for round frame sunglasses for no reason. 🙂
They absolutely adorable (and about 99p!) I'm so happy with them, I've seen pairs similar go for about £20!xo
Ahh Ebay – I go through stages where some days I go on to check something out and 3 hours later i'm looking at Hello Kitty baseball bats, and other times where I'm like 'i do not have time for this.'But I couldn't agree more that there are such winners on there (and often so unique as it can feel like everyone is buying the same things these days.)I didn't know about the treasure trove of stickers – and I am logging on as we speak because I have a hankering for some Crown Stickers! Should be interesting.I'm also loving Neoprene anything at the moment (I like the smell is that weird?)Happy Ebaying Kelsey xxKelstagram
Aha I do that too! There are some absolutely amazing stationery sellers, such cute stuff from Korea and Japan for pennies sometimes! I hope you find some you like!xo
Well, this post is proof that I need to get my arse on ebay more often. Love those sunnies… all the sass ;)Ellewww.theellenextdoor.comxx
aha it's a great way to procrastinate… They're outrageous. I need them in all the colours. xo
I won't lie, I do like a bit of Ebay. It can be incredibly addictive though haha. That cage skirt is gorgeous, shame about the material not being what you expected but still, If it fits like a dream then it's a great buy 🙂 xwww.kirstytalks.co.uk
I do have to give myself eBay time-outs. I can honestly sit scrolling for hours…ahh, the skirt's perfect really, I don't know what I was expecting, but it was a sort of nice surprise? xo
I love Ebay!! <33
It's the b e s t sometimes! xo
Lovely post!!!!Check my blog What makes you beautiful
Thanks so much :)xo
I miss shopping on Ebay! You found some great gems, I really like those stickers lol.istylelooks.blogspot.com
They're so adorable I hardly want to take them out of the packaging!xo
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Thank you! I'll go and have a look now :)xo
Haha ebay is my favourite too! xtouchofgucci.blogspot.com.au/
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I love eBay for great finds – I have several blogposts on my blog about eBay!http://www.freyafarrington.com/search/label/ebay
I never ever think to search on eBay! I really should do though. Those sunglasses are fab!!XxxClaireWww.theclairediary.co.uk
There's unquestionably nothing surprising about this. It has been the foundation of exchanging since time started and basically eBay is only an augmentation of any shopping center or commercial center where exchanging goes on – the main distinction is that a considerable measure of eBay deals are led by closeout, which is fairly whimsical in a customary business sense. ebay