Black Friday. Whether you’re a fan or a think the whole thing is a fad, this year we were inundated with promotional media (all those emails) to entice us into spending our hard earned cash. There were some pretty good deals around, and it’s always a little mini fist-pump moment when your favourite brands announce that they’re offering a black friday promotion, or something you’ve been hankering for comes down in price.
I wasn’t planning to spend a lot over the Black Friday weekend, but I did pick up a few things that I’ve been wanting (and saving up for) for a while. Oh, and that I absolutely love.
You’ve probably noticed that I’ve been curbing my spending habits slightly. I haven’t gone total spending ban – it’s really hard, as someone invested in fashion, to not pick up a new piece or two per season – but instead I’ve been systematically clearing out my wardrobe, which has been long overdue, and making really conscious decisions over bits that I want to buy. I’ve been a bit of a slave to buying on a whim in the past and that’s not a good thing for either my bank balance or my wardrobe.
So, what did I get?
missguided active black side slogan sports leggings
Missguided had one of the best black friday deals going – 50% off the whole website (which they’ve started doing more often, so keep an eye out!). They ran the same deal about a week beforehand, and I tried to buy these leggings then, but didn’t manage to and just resigned myself to potentially getting them full price, or a similar thing in a different store. Then black friday happened and… welp. I got these for £8 + 99p shipping.
american apparel black check tennis skirt
It’s no secret that I love a good tennis skirt, and even though American Apparel isn’t exactly ethically sound, they do make decent products. I’ve been waiting out the closing down sales, and when I was in London over the black friday weekend, I decided to stop by the Carnaby Street store to see how good the discounts were, and if they had any extra off with black friday. Pretty much everything was at least 20% off, and if you know American Apparel prices, that definitely makes things more palatable, and I pretty much ran over to the till.
I love the pattern so much, and it’s honestly such a stark difference in quality than some of the colours I have that imitate. I’m still hankering after a pair of disco pants, though. (If you have any recommendations for alternatives let me know!)
HELLO TREND HOPPING. I honestly never thought I’d see the day I was scouring Oxford Street with one of my best friends, both of us looking for fishnet tights. I remember seeing them ages back in Forever21 with Han and Lizzie, and all of us collectively going ‘nah I can eBay it’. Only, I never got around to eBaying it, and I have a few outfits I’d love to shoot with the fishnet grunge. So while I was off having afternoon tea, Matilda (who, if you’re a longtime reader, will remember from my Korea posts) was an absolute babe and picked me up some from Topshop.
So now we twin.
In the best way possible.
I’ll probably still be looking for a slightly wider net to partner with this pair, keeping options open and all that.
chuu mini raw hem check skirt with side buttons
I’ve been hankering after another chuu skirt (slight spoiler) since I picked up a black mini with contrast stitching that went down a storm at Fashion Week. They’re such good quality, and Chuu is fast becoming a favourite Korean brand of mine. They’re a little bit cute and a little bit sexy, and I’m a massive fan of their #aesthetic. But with shipping and exchange rates and, eurgh, customs, I can’t really buy a lot from them, so the black friday 20% off was welcomed.
This skirt is perfect for winter outfits. It’s a check pattern – clearly I have a thing – black base with wine and white. It’s got an elasticated back and a zip to the side, so has a bit more movement to accommodate thicker jumpers tucked in, and food. The wrap-style front is also something I’ve had my eye on for a while, and combining it with my slight lean towards nautical detailings meant that I was pretty much dreaming about this skirt from the moment I saw it. It’s also got a cute raw/frayed edge hem so it’s a little less preppy.
Basically, it’s beautiful and I love it so.
That’s all I got for myself this year, no shoes, but I did pick up one or two presents for family and friends, though sods law is they’ll probably come down in price anyway, and more than they did during the Weekend of Deals.
But hey ho. Let me know what you think of these! Do you like my choices? And if you have any american apparel disco pant dupes or alternatives, throw them at me!
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