In a week I turn 22. A terrifying prospect, as it takes me one step closer to things like responsibility and graduation and permanent employment. Scary stuff. For the last two years, I passed the b-day milestone in Seoul. It was awesome, but definitely taught me that as good as pari-baguette cakes and macaron macarons are… nothing quite measures up to the family board game situation. Oh and anything my dad bakes that falls into the birthday category. Being abroad definitely teaches you to cherish the time you have with family.
Anyway, before I get too sappy for this Sunday, I thought I share my birthday wishlist with you.
I’m really not in need of anything right now (other than a fixed source of income…), and I tend not to ask my parents or siblings for gifts as I’m not great with people spending money on me even for birthdays – but there are a couple of things I’ve seen recently that I think would make great gifts.
missguided extreme rip oversized denim jacket
I fell in love with this jacket when I was creating festival outfits last month, as the oversized cut can add a casual vibe to any outfit, and the distressed denim is really in right now. Plus I have patches that I’ve picked up on my travels and would love to have them stitched onto something. Because I’m cool.
mixxmix classic pleat tennis skirt – pink (small)
One of my absolute favourite stores is mixxmix. It’s a Korean brand that carries a lot of really cute designs at more affordable prices than stores like american apparel. I really love their tennis skirt dupe, as well as a bunch of their accessories. 😀
fairyland striped color block tshirt
Fairyland is a new brand to me, but has a really cute range of clothes, including this striped tee. Love the baseball style, my wardrobe needs it.
style nanda half pleated skort – navy
Please, just. This skort is everything to me.
After getting my dSLR last Christmas (canon 700d), I’ve been compiling a list of lenses that I’d really, really love, and the 50mm (the ‘nifty fifty’) has sat at the top since day 1. I’m sure anyone will tell you how brilliant this lens is. Would like it in my arsenal.
I really don’t mind at alllll what cake is baked for my birthday (or if I get a cake, really) but I saw this surprise strawberry cake while browsing pinterest and thought it was one of the cutest ideas. The little strawberry shape and the fresh strawberries hidden inside and awwwwwhhhh.
Ahhhhhhh I feel like this is a really self-indulgent post… I’m honestly just really happy this year that I get to spend it with my family and home comforts. And without the pressure of having to drink birthday shots because someone older than me poured them…
Are any of you August birthdays? And am I the only one that isn’t great with gifts – like, I can pick them out for people, but when it comes to people splashing their hard earned cash on me and I’m all… awwh nooo why’d you go do thaaaaaaaaaat?
Holy moly that cake looks amazing and I need it in my life to eat everyday so my diet would just consist of that, and then I'd have to be airlifted out of my room whenever I wanted to go anywhere, because CAKE. I don't have a Canon, but I LOOOOVE my 50mm and hopefully you'll be able to get one sometime because it's a good ol' lens, that's for sure!I am exactly like you with birthdays! I'm always like…"Oh guys, naaaah, you really didn't have to!!!" Because I genuinely don't care? Like, they could just give me money instead so then they don't have to actually buy me something. It's cute though.Eeeep, 22? Positively young, you are! (I'm going to be 25 next June and already dreading it).Meg | A Little Twist Of…
I think a diet of cake and strawberries is fine!! (ish). I'm so sooooooo hoping to get or save to get a 50mm, I honestly cannot wait, and you're not helping. Oh that's good, sometimes I feel like I'm the only one – presents just seem a little bit of a chore for some and I'd rather just spend time with people tbh. Ahhhhhh shhh. 😛 (I'll remember that. expect a card. or something 😉 )xo
OMG THE CAKE!! 🙂 and 22 isn't too bad sweet 🙂 hehe Kayleigh xoxowww.veryberrycosmo.co.uk
Hidden cakes are the absolute shizz yo! And aha yeaah 22 isn't a massive age but I'm so not sure how I feel about this ageing thing D;xo
Such a cute wishlist <3 <3 <3 The strawberry cake is just absolutely adorable! I hope all your birthday wishes come true~xxxShe Will Be
Awhh thank you sweet!xo
That cake is amazing looks delicious!www.misslaurenmorgan.blogspot.co.uk
I love it so much – going to try it myself at some point, even if I don't have it on my birthday!xo
That pink skirt is gorgeous! And omg that cake! I hope you'll have a great bday!xx Izzy | Qthee
It's soooo cutee ;w; And awh thank you sweet :3xo
that cake is amazeballs!!!Halcyon Velvet
It's fab isn't it! xo
Such cute and pretty picks! I need that skirt, and the cake looks divine <3//teandtwosugars.blogspot.com xx
Awh thank you my dear! I love the tennis skirt style, need one in every single colour available ;Dxo
Happy birthday for next week! I have that Canon 50mm lens and it is pretty nifty 😉 Also that cake looks de-licious – such a cute idea! x
Awh thank you so much! And oooh ooh no shush I really think it's a great lens to have I just want one of my own now :3xo
Perfect wishlist and Happy Birthday!www.kindoflovely.com ♥
Awh thank you hun!xo
Oh my, that cake looks amazing! I know what you mean about camera lenses, im constantly lusting after new lenses! Tiffany Tales – A British Beauty & Lifestyle Blog