Summer is a time for a ridiculous number of photographs to be taken. #trufax. Not in a sense of, ‘if you didn’t instagram it, it didn’t happen’, more of a ‘hey I’d like to fill photo albums one day’. That kind of thing, be it from polaroids, compact cameras, or disposables. Because I am a 90’s kid at heart and am yet to fill a full album (before uni I was terrible at the whole taking photos thing).
As much as I absolutely adore my polaroid (the fujifilm instax mini 7 in blue trim, but the new generations look so much cuter…), film isn’t exactly cheap and fitting it in my smaller bags can be a bit of a ballache. Not even going to talk about carting The Big One around. Love my dSLR to bits, but it’s a premeditated thing if it’s coming with me. It also needs a much better name…
Cue compact cameras and disposables: the easy breezy way to take aaaaaaaaaaalll the shots.
My compact is probably the most used camera I have ever ever owned. They are definitely worth saving up for if you want to get something with all the bells and whistles (and by bells and whistles I mean shooting in HD and oodles of megapixels, manual focus, manual settings). Some of the photos I’ve been most proud of, I’ve taken with my compact, it’s always with me. Mum has actually joked that I might need to get it surgically removed… but has been probably the best use of my one-time prime subscription ever, amazon has a pretty decent camera section, too, at the moment.
Even though I’m pretty content with my lovely little Canon, I’m forever looking for ways to up my photography game, and at a couple from Panasonic have really caught my eye. They have a great range of compact cameras at a variety of price points.
The other day, I also picked up a disposable for the first time in years, and I think it’s going to be something that’s coming on a lot of my summer adventures. I can literally toss it in my bag and not worry that it’s going to get damaged because these things are about as indestructible as the Nokia 3310. Sorry if you’re meeting me any time soon, but it’s likely to get shoved in your face 😉
How are you taking your summer snaps this year? Compact, disposable (join the crew!), dSLR?
*this post is in collaboration with Panasonic, all thoughts and words are my own
I really want to get a polaroid this summer – I love how they make photos look!On a Saturday
They're seriously cute, but be wary that the film is a nightmare to get! (And source… and if you damage it…)xo
Oh, I am crazy about photography and instagram also 🙂 Took thousends of photos this month already 🙂 http://www.kapege23.blogspot.com
Yay you! I'm such a stickler for the 'perfect insta shot' that I often end up just not taking as many photos. Silly me.xo
Your polaroid camera is super cute! I have a wide one, and I think all they come in is black, so not terrible interesting, and it's also so big! I usually end up bringing my dslr AND polaroid, but I get too lazy to take them out, and use my phone instead..Angelina Is
Large cameras are so wonderful and yet such a hassle, it's so unfair! I'd love to use my polaroid way, way more that I am doing though… maybe this summer will change…xo
I LOVE using my Polaroid camera during the summer – especially at festivals and on summer evenings – such beautiful light!! Sophie xxxwww.fashionnomads.com
I've never taken mine to a festival! I'd be way too scared to damage it but you must have got some amazing shots!!xo
Im really tempted to buy a camera smaller than my DSLR for my holiday- defo need something more compact like yours.Caroline xelle-jay.co.uk
They're really useful – my compact never leaves my bag. Annoys absolutely everyone but 😉 blogger duties ;)xo
I need a Polaroid camera in my LIFE. I do love my SLR though <3Love Vicki | victoriajanex.co.uk