I’m back in England and it’s only rained twice. I think that’s some sort of achievement, weatherwise. I’m also half unpacked from Korea – hey it’s only been 6 days! – and half packed to move up to my new flat in Sheffield tomorrow. Kinda. I’ve just been majorly distracted by the wonder that is fresh fruit.
More specifically, fresh fruit of the summer variety.
South Korea is a bit awkward for those who come from a country where fruit and veg is fairly cheap, and you can get pretty much anything all year round. This is generally because fruit and veg in South Korea, especially out of seasons fruit and veg, is a lot more expensive, and when you have other things to worry about, eating out is so much easier, that 5 a day kinda dwindles.
But luckily enough for me, living in my parents house for a week has meant that I have as much fresh fruit as I want they buy, so I can indulge in my current craving, and share my favourite three, super easy ways to eat summer fruits with you lovely readers. 🙂
1: with scones
Like a true brit (#truebrit) I do love a good scone with jam and cream, but the addition of fresh strawberries, raspberries or blackberries makes it feel so much more summery.
2: on a flan
Add summer fruits and whipped cream to a sponge base and you have a flan, stick in the fridge to chill for a bit, and you have the perfect dessert.
Or if you don’t fancy whipped cream, add ice cream instead!
3: bake summer fruits into muffins/cupcakes
This one takes a little more effort and ingredients. Follow a basic cupcake/fairy cake/muffin recipe and add blueberries, blackberries or raspberries to the batter as latte on as possible in the mixing process to avoid staining the batter, and you’ll get really tasty, fruity results.
freshly baked blueberry muffins, yum!! |
If cakes aren’t your thing, you could always bake your fruit into a pie or a crumble as an alternative.
What are your favourite ways to eat summer fruits? I’d really love to hear about them – or your favourite dishes with fruits in them, I really want to try out new recipes .
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