I spent the best part of two months looking for the perfectred vinyl / pvc looking skirt. It’s something that I’d’ve never thought of buying back in the UK, but I fell in love with one in Forever21 and cried when it didn’t fit. It was zip-through, with a sassy O-ring as the pull, and it was that material that you could eat and drink in and not worry about staining because it was wipe-clean. The dream skirt. In fact, I convinced Elodie to get basically the exact same skirt in burgundy (#enablerfriend). Never been entirely sure how you wash them – pretty sure they’re dry clean only – but when I get an outfit I want in my head, I’m all systems go in trying to find it, small things like cleaning be damned.
The outfit was going to be a mix of girly and vampy, lace and vinyl, with tall shoes and a beret. I’ve been loving finding and wearing things that are small pushes outside of my comfort zone, and Seoul Fashion Week just seemed like the perfect place to tie it all together. Especially for the Saturday, where I could spend all day with Hannah and do the Korean thing where friends dress really similarly. (Seriously, I’m a huge fan of twinning.)
Most of my go-to places for finding the skirt turned up blank: forever21, the baes that they are, had a range of fire-engine red styles, but they were all too gapy at the waist; h&m didn’t carry anything in red; bershka was lacking red too, but had a beautiful forest green number; 8seconds had jumped on the vinyl band wagon, but again nothing in red. My usual Korean brand saviours like styleNANDA and Star101 and A-land were sadly missing it too, and at this point there wasn’t really enough time to hop onto anything e-commerce-y apart from gmarket.
It wasn’t until I was walking back from the A-land store in Hongdae – a last ditch attempt to see if I could find anything suitable there again – that I spotted one. Well, it wasn’t really spotting a skirt per se, just that of all the places to have a red vinyl-looking skirt that would actually fit my waist it would probably be eun in Hongdae. They have two stores – one on the main shopping street and one on the street that runs parallel to the right if you’re opposite h&m – and the clothes they have on display are a tad more outlandish than the usual along Hongdae. I was well aware that I was running out of time to find this skirt, or I’d have to change up my whole outfit and sack off the twinny vibe, but the odds seemed to be (ever) in my favour, and I found it.
At a price of 39000W. (Around £30).
I didn’t get it then and there. The price was slightly off-putting, so instead I sent a photo to the group chat (Hannah and Ruth are great at keeping me in check) and asked for opinions. Both of them suggested that I buy it, so I did at the next available opportunity.
I know that this sounds pretty dramatic for a skirt, and yes, having to change an outfit isn’t the end of the world, but sometimes you can use hunting for clothes as a convoluted metaphor for learning to have patience, and persevering even when there seem to be difficulties on a journey. Nothing worth having comes especially easy, and I know that if I’d’ve bought that ill-fitting first skirt from forever21, it would be sitting in my wardrobe lamenting the fact that it never gets worn. Sure, I could’ve altered it myself or had it professionally done, but it would’ve been an attempt to fix something that didn’t fit or feel right, and probably have made it look pretty ugly in the process.
[what I’m wearing
The skirt is from eun, and I really do keep on meaning to go back there and show you guys around over on my youtube, but I keep forgetting. SOON. If that’s something you’d like to see, let me know!
The grid check sweater is honestly one of my all time favourite cropped sweaters now. I adore it. It’s from forever21 and I’m not sure if you can still shop it, but at this point it would probably be in the sale if you can. It’s such a fun print, and I love that I saw so much of the grid print at SFW this season.
The boots are also from forever21 – it’s a place I do end up getting a lot of my shoes from when I’m in Korea, since the quality is good for the price, and they’re usually pretty well fitting. These boots also feel like shoes, which is something that shoes haven’t really been known for, recently. I like to have the things on my feet having a tad bit of weight in them, especially if they’re platforms as it makes them easier (and far more stable) to walk in.
Accessories – woah, I know. Fii is wearing actual accessories that aren’t just sunglasses woahhhhh – are from two different places. The beret, as with basically the rest of this outfit, is from forever21. Leather berets weren’t something I ever thought I’d be buying, but here we are; the sunglasses are from one of the stalls on Hongdae’s main shopping street. I’ve had a massive thing for more ‘see through’ or clearer lens sunglasses recently. Mirrors are great, but I love the looks of these at the moment. Which is probably why I own a ridic number of pairs.
I never found the perfect bag to go with this – I was thinking of something potentially boxy, black, and patent to tie in the black accents of my shoes and the rims of my sunglasses because that would be really cute.
But I haven’t found one yet, so I’m going to keep looking.]
Let me know what you think of this outfit! Also, tell me about a time when you’ve waited to find the perfect thing to add to your wardrobe… or if you’re more of an impulse buyer, what is the best thing you’ve ever bought?
Looking lovely as always! Your shoes are stunning xx
I've seen this outfit on your Instagram and I really love it!I also didn't realise that forever21 sold such cute items.Though I don't wear skirts awfully a lot, seeing you in this red one really makes me want to pick up some confidence to wear such an outfit xxSophie's Spot
I'm so glad you managed to find this skirt! There's nothing worse than knowing exactly what you want to buy but not being able to find it anywhere! These photos are so lovely!Lauren xhttp://www.fashion-expedition.co.uk/