Sometimes you just need a break. This time of year, almost every year, I’ve done something that my parents would consider ‘reckless’ or mildly stupid, close to exams. Usually it involves running off to somewhere, forgetting responsibilites and doing something that makes me so ridiculously happy so that reassessing, resetting and recalibrating is less of a chore and more of a change of pace. My approach to aspects of my life is a little ‘all or nothing’ – fab because I throw myself into things with all the enthusiasm, terrible because burnout comes twice as quickly and hits twice as hard.
So that break was this weekend. The end of assignments (other than exams) for life. Dissertation done, essays done. The wind down at the end of 4 years of uni and about 14 of solid education before that, with the transition into the real world. I’m allowed to be a little bit reckless.
Last year, I went to go and see Pentatonix, MUCC and Scandal in the space of 3 weeks. The year before that it was Hong Kong for a weekend, and all the times prior I’ve realised have had a similar theme of escaping not just academia, but people and situations. This year it was just escaping the academic situation, because I realised I’ve been managing the other sources of burnout since that trip to see Scandal.
If you’re in an unhappy situation, and you care what people who have been shit to you, think of you, burnout happens so much faster.
For me this was a bit of a city break, with a fab group of lasses (and lad), doing fairly chilled things and hardly any of what we planned, but it gave me a point to recharge after 10 months of dissi stress, And showed me that after a historically bad run of having to be ‘situational friends’ with people, the group I have now, both at and outside of uni are phenomenal.
Sometimes you’ve gotta be a lil’ bit reckless to show yourself what you’re capable of, what you’ve got and where you’ve come from.
I think a little bit of reckless escapism is sort of a good (?) way to cope with the stress. If it were up to me, I'd be bungee jumping in your shoes, ha. Good luck with everything, Fii. <3MAY | http://WWW.THEMAYDEN.COM
Love this! I'm definitely feeling the need for a little recklessness since I'm graduating high school soon – my last day is Thursday. Congrats to you!
Love this. And I think a little bit of reckless escapism was well deserved anyway, by the sounds of it! x http://www.aimeeraindropwrites.co.uk x