I’ve been a bit cryptic in the last month and a bit over on twitter, instagram, and a little on here. It’s been really hard to keep this announcement a secret; each stage I’ve passed that’s got me that bit closer has been so exciting. But because the size of the move, how many factors there are and hoops to jump through, and how many things can go (and have gone) wrong, I’ve been reluctant to announce it on here. Just in case it all went tits up and then I’d have to un-announce the whole thing.
(Also, if I ended up not going, I think it would actually crush me.)
But!! We’re out of a very murky and wildly frustrating grey area, so here we go:
I am moving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Big surprise, it’s in the title Fii, duh.
I’ve already also mentioned this on Facebook – probably a little too early but hey – twitter, and instagram, so you’ve no doubt seen it there (if you haven’t, go and give me a lil’ follow to see things before it hits the blog!), so it’ll come as no surprise that I’m moving back to South Korea.
If this is your first time visiting my blog – hey, hi hello! – and that sounds odd, I lived in South Korea’s capital Seoul for a year during my university degree. It was actually during that time I started my blog, and there are some really old posts about places I went to in the 2014 archive. So I’m moving back, though a little more permanently than that stint.
And even though I’m really really excited – incredibly so – I’m also fecking terrified.
You see, this wasn’t exactly ‘the plan’.
It was a plan, but it was not the ‘straight out of uni’ plan.
The ‘straight out of uni’ plan was: a graduate job in London, or an entry-level job in London, commuting from home in the first year, maybe? Or moving down to the Big Smoke if I could find somewhere to live on the wages I was getting. I kept an open mind to opportunities, sent in CVs to places that piqued my interest (and that I was relevant for). I had interviews, and it felt like the plan was going well.
It wasn’t though.
Well, it was and it wasn’t.
I was gaining really valuable interview experience, I was meeting a load of new people who were interested in what I had to say and what I could contribute, and I have a few bits of ongoing correspondence that I wouldn’t have got otherwise.
But I was also spending a lot of money on trains (travel expenses only covering ‘in London’ is cruel) that I wasn’t earning back. I was spending so much time and energy on letters and research and looking for jobs for people to say they really liked me, but I was overqualified and under-experienced for entry-level roles. Or that they’d given the role to someone in house/someone more experienced, if I even heard back. I didn’t really know how to handle it. Especially when the mantra that is driven into your very soul throughout school is: University will help you get a better job. University will give you better options. And while that may be true, for the last 6 months it has felt like university has landed me with £29k+ in student loans (which Student Finance want back pretty darn fast) and a lot of frustration.
I took a break for a bit, and had a lot of conversations with my dad about other options. I mentioned moving back out to South Korea for a bit – both to weather Storm Brexit, and gain some experience other than retail or events – and dad was really on board. He told me about an opportunity he had to move to Hong Kong that he still regrets not taking, but the timing wasn’t right, too many other responsibilites popped up, and it never happened. Now is basically the perfect time for me to go.
Which is the terrifying part because, I’ve made so many new friends in the last two-and-a-bit years since deciding to take this blog a little more seriously, and not being able to see them if I wanted to is a bit upsetting. There’s also the issue of making new friends, as an adult. Which is scary. I’m also going to have to find a photographer … which might actually be easier than it is currently, but the initial logistics are going to be a little tricky.
I’m also not moving back to Seoul. I’m actually moving to the Incheon area… which is basically Seoul, I guess. The area that I’ll be is about 20 minutes on the subway from the Hongdae/Shinchon, which is where I lived when I was there on my year abroad. I’ll also be about the same distance, if not less, from the city of Incheon, which is completely new to me. But it also presents new opportunities to explore, which is something I definitely did not do enough of last time.
So yeah! This is also the main reason content has been a little thin on the ground, recently. Getting all the documents together for the visa application, interviews for the job I’m going to be doing, working that around my Christmas retail job because chriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiist there are were some surprise expenses… I’ve also been working in 3 timezones. It’s been a bit a lot stressful and that doesn’t really make for ~regular~ content that I’m really happy with.
It’s worth it, though. I’m super excited for new content, and access to some of my favourite shops without having to wait 2 weeks for shipping and surprise customs! As well as new adventures and new opportunities. I’m not planning to shake anything up drastically, content-wise. I really want to focus more on ~fashion again, rather than the lifestyle leaning LMF has had lately, or at least balance it out a little? I love the attitude Seoul especially has to fashion, and I feel I need that back in my life again.
I hope that you’ll stick with me for this new adventure as I fly the nest in probably the most literal sense I can. If you have any questions or things you want to see/posts you want me to write (I’ll be vlogging/making videos, and on instagram a lot), please let me know!
don’t forget to catch up with me here too:
Honestly sounds like such an amazing opportunity! Would love to see some of your new surroundings through your fashion posts, once you've got settled in. Angi http://www.twodifferentworlds.com
Congrats on the move. I could definitely sense your frustration about the job search (I'm currently going through the same thing) and it's nice to see that you've found and exciting way to move forward that includes adventures and an opportunity to gain experience. Your Dad is right, there really is no time like the present when the weight of responsibility isn't keeping you grounded. I look forward to your new posts and hope you don't forego the lifestyle component completely. I find both interesting.
omg this is an amazing opportunity for you and definitely do it with your head up high, you won't regret it 🙂 I look forward to reading your content even more when you move there xCreepers & Cupcakes
Yay I'm so excited about you moving and am definitely looking forward to more content! What will you be working as in Korea though? http://skinnydecxflatte.blogspot.com xo
Awh thank you!! I'm going to be teaching for a bit, I have some other opportunities open to me too, but I'm just seeing where things take me at the moment 🙂
I wish you all the best for your move to Korea. You are so right on taking this opportunity now! And don't worry about the friends you made they will stay and you can meet them whenever you go back home 🙂 maybe we see each other next year when I travel there after graduation 🙂
congrats, i moved to GB 2 years ago, and was the best thing i have done, i hope that you enjoy your move, wish you the bestI'm following you on GFC and i will came back to check posts from korea :)xoxohttp://sramliberdadenegra.com/
How exciting! Definitely take the chance to go, one of these days I would love to be in Australia for a couple of years.
I'm glad on everything working out for you, and congrats on the move. Can't wait for the content that you bring in the future xxSophie's Spot
BABE IM SO EXCITED ON YOUR MOVE! I think living in korea will give you such great content 🙂 please pleaseeeee blog about your experience, i'd love to read about it! <3♡ Carina – Blog // YouTube
WOOO! I'm so happy for you! Can't wait to read all about your experience of living there 🙂 ♥ Jasmin N // Little Things With Jassy
Oh wow, how exciting! This sounds like a fantastic opportunity – wishing you lots of luck and success! x http://www.aimeeraindropwrites.co.uk x
That's so exciting, can't wait to read more about your adventures 🙂 xx Holly ∣ Closingwinter