I spend far too much time on instagram. It is my morning paper, my evening read, my lunchtime browsing. I can scroll for hours on end and not get bored. Ultimate procrastination. I’m sure I’m not the only one.
But despite my apparent need to get myself checked into insta-rehab ASAP, I can’t see myself not being a bonafide insta-addict because of the amount of inspiration it gives me. Ideas for potential outfit shoots (I have a book filled with them), images taken with different lenses I want to try, shot composition, aesthetic, travel… the list is endless, really. So I thought I’d share a few of my favourite accounts with you today.
differentcands: aka diana horsfall
I’ve adored Diana’s feed ever since we found each other during SFW FW14. Her style is cute and casual, dressy at times, though always classy – and her photo’s are gorgeously clear. Aside from her outfits, her sunny outlook on life is something that really inspires me.
hugsieee: aka katie @ the last souvenir
A more recent addition to my feed, but gosh I am so happy we connected on that twitter chat. I love looking at beautifully staged ‘object’ photos and boy does Katie do them well. I’m also such an advocate of the ‘clean feed’ – they look like a magazine, and I do so love to flip through the pages of a beautifully photographed glossy.
luanna90: aka luanna @ le-happy
If you haven’t heard or seen le-happy.com then I think some sort of congratulations is in order… because wow? Also… how?? A practical inspiration staple, I don’t think anyone could not want Luanna’s photo’s in their feed. I think her city shots are possibly my favourite of her posts, but I do love a good ootd too.
feralcreature: aka eugenie grey @ feralcreature.com
The short girl’s guide on How to Be Tall, basically. I’ve been following Eugenie Grey for an age now; I love the way she puts together an outfit, and the way she stages a shoot. She’s an inspiration to those of us who are reppin’ the vertically challenged genome. Also, her hair.
I am a Korean Street Style phanatic, that is very well established, so it will come as no surprise that a large number of accounts I follow and love on instagram are orientated towards that. I follow a fair few street style/model accounts, and Lee JaeDoo’s is one that consistently has quirky shoots and gorgeous candid snaps. Photography ambitions right there. I love it.
I love Nicole’s eye for snaps. Even if it’s just the most simplest of things, get a very satisfied feeling when I scroll through her feed. I especially love some of the angled shots, and anything that captures light in an interesting way. Her style shots are also pretty rad.
There are tons more accounts that inspire me, but these are the few that I keep going back to if I’m feeling a creative rut looming. I definitely suggest going to check them allllll out!
What are some of your favourite instagram accounts? I love finding new people to follow, so link me up with ones that inspire you!
It never fails to amaze me how many fantastic IG accounts there are! I'll have to check these out!COOCOO FOR COCO
Please do! They're all seriously amazing – I really recommend checking out the Korea Street Style photographer circle, they're all really lovely too!xo
Love these posts, constantly looking for new instagram accounts! Another good one which you should check out is Anna Grostina of @highhsoul , it is amazing:)http://looklovewear.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/spring-feels.html
I love them too, found so many people I follow through these sorts of posts, so I thought I'd share a few of my faves ;)Definitely going to check them out! thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuxo
I am a total insta addict as well, I can't handle a day going by without checking it which when I come to think about it probably really does tell me I have an issue. I regret nothing! xoLJLV | UK Personal Style
It's the perfect app for visual people, so … reasoning… for being addicted is… totally sound?? Right?? Ahah. I regret absolutely nothing either! xo
thanks for the recommendations, need to follow some new people! xHannah | Heyitshannaah
Ahh no problem! xo
To be host, I like your blog very much! I think that you do a great job! I know that blog requires much time, but keep doing it!Diana Cloudlethttp://www.dianacloudlet.com/
Thank you so much! xo
Lovely accounts! I always enjoy discovering new Instagram accounts. My absolute favorite has nothing to do with fashion, but nonetheless my favorite, is HumansofNY! xo @ Naomi in Wonderland
Gotta love a bit of HumansofX. The stories are so heartfelt and I love them popping up on my facebook feed or as I'm scrolling through instagram. Good shout!xo
This is so useful! I need this as I'm pretty new to Instagram (I know!) and I'm always looking for beautiful accounts to follow!Loves! KirstieKimamely Beauty
Ahhh I follow quite a few people, so my list of MUST FOLLOW's is a bit longer than these 5, but they're a great place to start!xo
Im obsessed with Instagram too! Great accounts! Im recently loving pics of food and cute breakfast places xhttp://ariannachatz.blogspot.com
All the breakfast places! Makes me wish I lived in a city with a bit more cultural variety so I could instagram my breakfast every morning!xo