HI GUYS. I have surfaced from the world of essay writing (aka hell), and would like to apologise for my absence. Only 3 exams stand before me and summer. 3. During this dark, dark time, though, I received a lovely little surprise in the mail. My first ever subscription box box.
If you couldn’t tell by the title, I decided to go ahead and delve into the realm of subscriptions boxes via the abominably cute route of the kawaii box. The box comes from the company blippo, based in Singapore, and the contents are 10-12 items from Japan and Korea.
Sounds right up my street, doesn’t it!
I bought a one off box, so that I didn’t have to commit to any payment plans if I wasn’t impressed or really didn’t like it. And for the £13.80 I paid, I’m pleasantly surprised at the contents. I haven’t tallied how much the box is worth yet – but I’m pretty sure that the total cost of the items was more than the cost of the box, so that’s a win.
My favourite items are the embossed stickers, both keychains and the pencil case – I’m not entirely sure what I’m going to do with the glitter set (probably some pinterest-esque d.i.y), and the green tea snack didn’t hang around long. The only item I have absolutely no clue as to what it is is the pink macaron. But hey, it’ll probably make its way into some flat-lay photos.
All in all, I think this is a pretty good box to start off with if you’re venturing into the land of the sub-box service, as all the items are practical or edible, and there isn’t really any long term commitment to be made to beauty products you may not like or that may not work for you.
That being said, I really would like to try out a ~beauty~ subscription box, so please leave me your recommendations if you have any!
I also filmed a video of me unboxing this, it’s a bit chatty but I hope you enjoy it all the same 🙂
Thank you all for being so patient with me, and I hope you have a great week! 🙂
Edible items are definitely my favourite. But this all looks so cute! I guess that's the point, woops. The green tea snack would be so good right now, why are you posting this when I'm studying 🙁
Edible items are such a perk. I saw them and had to edit the bit out where I shrieked a little bit because GREEN TEA. Awwwh I am sorry hun, good luck with your studying GET THEM GRADES :Dxo
Ooh you got some good stuff! I never tried the Collon snacks before but I'd like to ^_^{ sparklesideup.com }
😀 Added to my collection of ridiculously cute 😀 And they're not that bad, they're not my favourite snack brand from Japan but I will eat anything if it's presented to me. And it's green tea! xo
Awwww this is all so cute!www.alittletwistof.co.vu
ahah I know! It's such an adorable sub box :)xo
This is so cute! I might get this for my friend she is so obsessed with Kawaii xxwww.justanorwichgirl.blogspot.co.uk
Ohh I'd def recommend that! It's a really lovely range of stuff for the price, I'm sure your friend will love it :)xo
Love your pics!Alice Cerea, BABYWHATSUP.COM
Thank you!xo
I absolutely love april's contents ^^ The pen, glitter kit & bow clip are my faves! Lovely post!!zaras-bowsandpearls.blogspot.co.uk
I am so pleased with the contents, still haven't found a use for the glitter BUT I WILL.xo
so adorable, i want all of these products ! :)http://terramcd.blogspot.com
I'm hoping that the next time I get one of these it's just as cute!xo
Welcome back to the blogging (and one and only real) world and congrats on making it through essay hell. How cute are those rabbit stickers?!? Caz | Style Lingua
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~ Just have exams to go then I am free.They're my favourite of all my stickers at the minute. And I have the entire artbox princess sticker collection…xo