coat: romwe
jumper: h&m | similar
skirt: asos
boots: doc martens clemency – white
Apologies for my general appearance, I’ve just got back from spending a few days up a mountain with my mum, and plane air is never kind to my skin, no matter how long the flight. Add that to the current frosty weather and, well, it’s not a good mix.
I’m trying to build a solid outwear wardrobe to help inject a little bit of easy colour into my layering – the constant dark colours can get a bit monotonous. I love this coat from Romwe, it’s not the heaviest despite it’s looks, but the colour is so pretty. The h&m jumper has been in my wardrobe a while and is constantly in my winter wardrobe rotation. Not the most adventurous of outfits, but good for travelling.
I love this coat, I have it in a burgundy colour! So warm and comfy. :)http://lux-rose.blogspot.co.uk/
The burgundy looked lovely on the website, I found it really hard to choose between the that, the lilac and the apple green. Pastels will always be my calling though! :)Fii x
Hello, I really love your blog and have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award :)Check out my post where I nominate you xhttps://abigillibrand.wordpress.com/2015/02/06/nomination-versatile-blogger-award/
Awh, thank you so much! That really means a lot :)Fii x
This coat is stunning! I'm head over heels in love with pastels~ They will always be my weakness <3 xxxShe Will Be
It's so lovely to wear, surprisingly lightweight but snuggly and warm. Feeling you on the pastel love, they're slowly but surely filling up my wardrobe!Fii x
Loving the lila! I created an outfit like this too yesterday. Black/white/lila is perfect!xo.FROM HATS TO HEELSwww.fromhatstoheels.com
Definitely going to check that out! And it's such a good combination, balances out the monochrome perfectly 🙂 Fii x
Love your outfit (:The color of the coat is pretty and very unique.123danielle.blogspot.com
Thank you 🙂 I've picked up a fair few prettily coloured items I'm really excited to style Fii x
Looooving the coat !!!Serene xoxohttp://www.imserenel.wordpress.com
Thank you!!!Fii x
I love the whole outfit, especially your jumper xHannah | Heyitshannaah
I love H&M cable knits, they're such good value for the price, I'd definitely recommend getting some (or all of them, they have such gorgeous colours too!)Fii x
That coat is such a lovely colour!www.saltandchic.com // UK Fashion Blog
It's so pretty – such an easy way to add a little bit of spring to my very dark winter wardrobe! Fii x
Apologies for my general appearance, I've just got back from spending a few days up a mountain with my mum, and plane air is never kind to my skin, no matter how long the flight. Add that to the current frosty weather and, well, it's not a good mix. buy wedding ring online